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the phases of the moon don't affect tides.

Tides are caused by the moon's gravity, the moon is always at the same distance from Earth.

Sun also causes the tides. so if the sun and the moon are directed in the same place at Earth extra high tides occur.

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Q: How does the phases of the moon affect the tides at sea?
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Do the phase of the moon affect the movement of the sea?

Not the phases of the moon, the moon itself has the most tidal control.

Does the moon affect the sea's tide?

Yes, the moon has a lot of affect on the sea'a tides. This is due to the gravitational pull. The moon has a lot more affect on the tides than the sun does. This is due to the moon being much closer to the earth than the sun.

How does the moon affect your daily life?

well it moves the tides, so if your work involved the sea it would be affected.

What variables besides Moon's gravity affect tides on earth?

The profile of the sea floor - particularly near coastal areas.

Does the moon effect life on earth?

Yes, it causes the tides which affect sea currents and nocturnal creatures use its light.

How does moon impact tidal behavior of oceans on earth?

The moon and the earth both have magnetic fields and these are what makes the two attract. When the moon a full moon, more of the moon is seen and therefore more of the force is affected the tides. So, the fuller the moon, the higher the tides. I also believe that the sodium chloride present in the sea waters has some affect on the tides.

How are phases of moon related to tidal behavior and hence flooding of the oceans?

The "phases of the moon" are how you see sunlight reflect off the moon toward your location, based on the positions of the moon and sun. Tides are influenced by the gravitational pull of the moon on the ocean as it passes over in orbit, but can also be enhanced or mitigated by sea-level wind patterns and major storms such as hurricanes and cyclones. So it is not the particular phase of the moon (new, half, full...) that influences the tides, but rather the moon's orbital motion in general.

How do tides change on Earth?

the penguins in Antarctica swim around in the sea and are very strong, so they pull and push the tides till all over the world.

What are semi-tides?

Tides are the rise and fall of sea levels caused by the combined effects of the gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and the Sun and moon

How does the moon cause phases?

The moon causes the sea to cycle through tides by tugging the water into sort of an oblong circle and spinning it around the earth. The Sun causes the moon to change "phases" much as it causes the Earth to change days. The moon just turns much slower than the Earth and ends up never actually turning its "face" away from us.

What is the major cause of the different sea-tides every day?

The Moon.