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No, time zones are based on 15 degrees longitude, because there are 360 degrees of longitude on the globe and 24 hours a day, so 360/24 makes 15. But, there are 24 time zones for 25 times (-12, -11, ... -1, 0, +1, ... +11, +12) and half-hour and quarter-hour variations so it really isn't based on anything.

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Q: Are time zones based on 35 degrees longitude?
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Which way to time zones run?

Time zones are based off of longitude

Where is general meridian time used?

There is no general meridian time. GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time. It is at zero degrees longitude and all time zones are based on this.

What do longitude lines have to do with time?

There are 24 time zones. The Earth is 360 degrees around the circumference. So, for every 15 degrees of longitude there is one time zone.

Is latitude the basis for establishing time zones?

Time Zones are based on lines of Longitude - with detours to avoid land.

Is time zones longitude or latitude?

Time Zones are..............................Longitude

What is the latitude and longitude of Greenwich London?

Greenwich, London is at Longitude 0 and latitude N51.48 degrees. Greenwich is the universal reference point for time zones called Greenwich Mean Time or more commonly GMT. Most time zones are based on this reference as a number of hours and half-hours "ahead of GMT" or "behind GMT".

If time zones were perfectly straight how many degrees of longitude would each one be?


How many time zones ore there on the Earth?

the earth is divided into 24 time zones, each 15 degrees of longitude in width. Since earth rotates once every 24 hours on its axis and there are 360 degrees of , each hour of Earth rotation represents 15 degrees of longitude.

How many degrees of longitude do you need to travel across to pass through one hour time zone?

There are 24 time zones. Divide 360 degrees longitude by 24 and you get 15 degrees for each one-hour time zone.

What is the amount of time in between every time zone in the US?

The difference between time zones is one hour. There are 24 time zones - one for every 15 degrees of longitude.

How many degrees of longitude do you need to travel across to pass through one hour of time?

The Earth rotates at the rate of roughly 15 degrees of longitude per hour.

What determines time zones?

A time zone is determined by knowing that in theory, each standard time zone should be exactly 15 degrees wide. Also, i would like to send a hi to my calss of period 3 in mr.cappacio 2012-2013. It's me you guys bhu bye.