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Q: Are titanium rods approved by the FDA for spine surgery?
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Is titanium used for back surgery?

Yes. In a spinal fusion, the spine is fused and held in place with titanium rods and screws.

Can you have a MRI with harrington rods in lumbar spine?

Yes you can have an MRI with Harrinton rod in your lumbar spine. Harrington rods are made of titanium making it safe to enter an MRI Scanner.

Would titanium rods in back surgery bend?

Yes they will mine are bent and I'm having surgery in 2 days

Do you have to wear a brace after scoliosis surgery?

After scoliosis surgery, it depends where they fused/placed the rods/screws...I had scoliosis surgery and I can crack the TOP half of my spine, but, the screws are at the bottom of my back and I am unable to crack it there. :)

Can you have a MRI with titanium rod and screws in leg?

According to my neurosurgeon, "Yes, you can have an MRI with titanium in your spine." I asked this very question as I will be having disc replacement with titanium in my cervical spine (with plastic screws, I believe).

What is spine surgery like in patients who undergo this?

Surgery of the spine can be very difficult for patients to live with post procedure. Most spine surgeries will require poles and rods to remain in the body for the entire life of the patient. It can also change the possible life activities that the patient may be able to participate in for their future.

Will magnets attach to spine rods?

No they will not.

Does swimming in cold water affect titanium rods in your back?

Swimming in cold water can affect titanium rods because this area of your body will be more sensitive. You may notice soreness in the area of the rods after swimming in cold water.

What are luque rods?

types of spinal instrumentation. Luque rods are custom contoured metal rods that are fixed to each segment (vertebra) in the affected part of the spine.

What are the pros and cons of having titanium rods in the human body?

Pros: Titanium rods are strong and lightweight, providing stability and support for bones during healing. They are biocompatible, meaning the body is less likely to reject them compared to other materials. Cons: Titanium rods can cause discomfort or pain, may require removal in some cases if complications arise, and can interfere with medical imaging tests such as MRIs. In rare cases, there can be allergic reactions or stress shielding effects on surrounding bone tissue.

What are some surgical procedures for treating spondolosythesis?

I think you mean spondylolisthesis or spondylosis. The first is where one vertebrae comes out of alignment of the rest and the second is a curvature of the spine. Surgery would be either a spinal fusion, or insertion of Harrington rods and hardware.

What happens when the spine is bent back suddenly resulting in injury?

You might want to check with your doctor and get an MRI to see if any of your T discs wereseparated, If so they might have to do surgery to install rods to hold your spine in place while your T discs fuse back together, Or they might just make you wear a brace to hold your spine upright again until your T discs come together.