

Are tomato seeds bad for diverticulosis?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Are tomato seeds bad for diverticulosis?
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Can you eat tomato seeds and what are they?

Yes, you can eat tomato seeds. They are completely indigestible and will pass completely through the digestive system unchanged. The only people that can have problems with tomato seeds (and other live seeds) are those with diverticulosis, when pouches (diverticula) form in the wall of the colon. Seeds can be caught in these pouches and in some cases germinate and begin growing inside you! If this happens the person will require surgery to remove the pouches with the plants inside them.

Why is a tomato is a fruit?

Because the seeds of the tomato plant form inside the tomato. That's what a fruit is, the part of the plant that contains the seeds.

How do tomatoes reproduce?

They have seeds inside them for they are fruit, and as most fruit, when they go bad, fall from the plant or are eaten by animals, their seeds will fall and spread on the soil and a new tomatoe plant will grow.

Where do tomato seeds come from?

Tomato seeds, can be found inside the tomato, when you cut it open. or you could buy them at the store!

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Will tomato seeds germinate in tomato extract?


Is a tomato a fruite or vegetable?

a tomato is a fruit because.. it has seeds and anything that has a seed is a fuirt

How many seeds do a tomato have?

they have 26 seeds from ................

Do tomatoes grow from spores?

If you have ever eaten a tomato, you have seen these seeds.

How many seed are in a tomato?

There are a lot of seeds in tomatoes if you freeze them for a while.

What is the mode of dispersal of tomato seed?

Tomato seeds are scattered by other organisms eating the tomatoes and then digesting the seeds. The seeds are then deposited in a new area.

How many seeds a tomato has?

If its a big tomato then 50 if its small then 15