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Q: Are traditions the same as celebrations?
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What are the ancient Rome cultural celebrations?

it is a language traditions

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December traditions in Australia?

Christmas and new years celebrations.

How do samurai values and traditions influence modern Japanese society?

Their traditions and celebrations collaborate together and join forces.

What are some christian celebrations or traditions?

Christmas and Easter Sunday. that's all i know.

How are American Indian celebrations and traditions similar to those of your culture?

It depends on your culture.And i suck at this

What is Sweden's traditions?

Sweden has many historical traditions that are consistently evolving. Celebrations include Midsummer, Christmas, Halloween, All Saints' Day, and Advent.

What food do people eat when they celebrate Buddhism?

There is no official food for Buddhist celebrations. However, certain traditions of Buddhist practitioners have adopted certain foods for various Buddhist celebrations. .

What us city banned all Halloween celebrations from its schools in 1995?

Los Altos, California banned all Halloween celebrations from its schools in 1995. It did so because of Halloween's pagan traditions.

Was Thanksgiving originated from a Indian holiday?

Many Native American peoples had traditions of harvest celebrations. However, Thanksgiving as it is celebrated in the United States and Canada evolved directly from the traditions of European settlers.