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Q: Are tryglicerides healthy
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Should you be concerned if your tryglicerides are 25?

normal tryglicerides levels are from 0-150 so its ok

What is tryglicerides?

one of fats that make up a constituent of total cholesterol level

What foods help maintain a healthy triglycerides diet?

You are smart for trying to change your diet to benefit your heart before something bad happens to you. I found a website to help you, with some information.���357209-tryglicerides-diet

What are tryglicerides?

One of three classes of dietary lipids. Made up of three units of fatty acids and one unit of glycerol.

What indicates whether a population is healthy or growing?

A healthy population is typically characterized by a balance between births and deaths, as well as a stable or increasing population size over time. Other indicators may include low disease prevalence, high life expectancy, and access to healthcare and resources. Additionally, factors like fertility rates, mortality rates, and age distribution can also provide insights into population health and growth.

Is protein water soluble or fat-soluble?

In general, proteins are water soluble. We have several proteins circulating in our blood. By the way, there's one type of proteins which is made for carrying cholesterol and tryglicerides (that obviously are fat soluble) through the circulation.

What is located in the villi that line the small intestine that absorbs fats and fat-soluble vitamins?

Fats are absorbed by entering the villi and then breaking down into a chemical compound or ester called chylo microns which are made fron lipoproteins(fats and proteins) and tryglicerides(compound of fatty acids and a glycerol molecule)

How healthy water is?

How is it NOT healthy. You ARE water... mostly.

Are dark colored drinks healthy or not healthy?

not healthy



What makes the healthy children healthy?

Healthy children become healthy by eating nutritiously and exercising.

Is kissing healthy for you?

if not healthy for your ''health'' its healthy for your mind and your feelings