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Q: Are turkey mites and chiggers the same?
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Can chiggers kill you?

No, chiggers are not insects.Specifically, chiggers are the larval stage of a family of mites. Mites belong to the arachnid -- not the insect -- class. Like insects, mites have externally-located skeletons. But like spiders, they sport eight legs.

Are turkey mites contagious I have open bites on my ankles are they contagious?

There are actually no shuch thing as turkey mites. They are rather seed or lone star tick larva. So, therefore, the answer is no.

Are turkey mites contagious human to human?

Typically, turkey mites will not make you sick. They will bite you and cause an itchy sensation and a small bump, but won't make you ill.

What do chigger look like?

Chiggers are tiny 6-legged creatures. They are known to attack people in wooded and/or damp areas. They are most commonly found during summertime when grass and weeds grow the heaviest. Chiggers do not bury themselves into the skin like small ticks do; they bite near the hair follicles and produce red welts which can be very painful and itchy. Chiggers are very small and cannot be seen without a magnifying glass. They usually feed on snakes, birds, and mammals; even humans. Chiggers usually bite humans where clothing fits tightly or in places like waistlines, armpits, and behind the knees. Chiggers are not known to carry disease in the United States. When they bite, the symptoms can continue for about a week. If symptoms are not treated, then they become a secondary infection.

How is scrub typhus transmitted?

As of early 2004 there are no effective vaccines for scrub typhus. In endemic areas, precautions include wearing protective clothing.Insect repellents.Clearing of vegetation and chemical treatment of the soil.Prophylactic antibiotic dosage.

What types of insects burrow into human skin?

The definition of "bugs" would have to be determined- but there are many types of mites, and other ectoparasites that will burrow within a human host's skin.

Do chickens have fleas or ticks or any other type of parasites?

Chickens have external parasites like mites, lice, chiggers, foul ticks, etc. I don't know about fleas.

Is there chiggers in Ohio?

yes there is chiggers in ohio

Which is commonly known as an itch mite The small itchy bumps and blisters of this infestation were caused by tiny mites that burrow into the top layer of human skin to lay their eggs?

Chiggers or perhaps scabies.

How do chiggers reproduce?

Chiggers do not reproduce.Specifically, the term in question designates the larval stage of mites in the arthropod family Trombiculidae. An adult mite reproduces in one of two ways. Asexual reproduction results from the fact that each female mite in essence is "born pregnant," with the capability of delivering eggs -- which almost uniformly hatch into female clones -- without male involvement. Sexual reproduction nevertheless will produce eggs which will progress from prelarval, chigger, and nymph stages before becoming female or male mites.

Are jiggers and chiggers the same thing?

Jiggers and chiggers are often confused, but they are not the same thing. Both are parasitic, but the jigger is a flea found in sub-tropical climates, whereas a chigger is a mite that often bites its host and is found in temperate climates.

Do chiggers eat meat?

Yes chiggers do eat meat..