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Twins usually have the same birthdays but one is always older. Sometimes they are born minutes or even hours apart.

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Q: Are twins exactly the same age or is one of them older by just a few seconds?
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Why do identical twins become less alike as they grow older?

no one's DNA is the same it's probaly just changing or growing in different ways

Two brothers Josh and Ben look exactly alike and are exactly the same age yet they are not twins How is this possible?

By definition two children born to the same mother at the same time would be twins. It would be possible that they would not be twins if they were only half brothers, meaning that they shared a father but were born to two different mothers at the same time, or where they shared the same mother and father, but one was carried and born to a surrogate, or both by two separate surrogates and just happened to look very simmilar, though they would share different DNA. If they did share the exact same DNA and also were not twins one would have to be the 'clone' or the other, meaning that a single embryo was 'conceived' from one sperm and one egg, which was cloned, and each embryo was implanted into a different woman's womb, and were born at the exact same time. They could just be dogs or another animal that is born in a liter. They're brothers and look exactly the same, but aren't neccesarily twins.

I am a fraternal twin what are the odds of me having twins?

its not likely that you will have twins then... normally you will not have a chance of having twins unless your mother side of the family has a history of twins it matter if you dads side does or not and also if you are over the age of 35 years old. Most likely if your siblings are twins the there is a possibility that they them selves or their children will have twins..

Are twins just two babies or a split embryo?

no they are just purple stuff

A zygote that separates into two clusters of cells insted of just one prduce?

Non identical twins.

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Why don't twins have the same prints?

No one has the same fingerprints. That's just the way of genetics. Identical twins look exactly the like, but their DNA isn't the same.

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Aly is older. Lots of people think their twins and i just told my sister. shes dfoing aly and aj sing it.Aly by 2 yearsAly-1989 Aj-1991

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If you're talking about the "Battles", then Retro means the "older" version, it's exactly the same for how you play them, just with older tracks.

Which is shorter 5 minutes or 5 seconds?

5 seconds. Which is shorter of of 5minutes? 5 minutes is exactly 550 seconds! and then 5 seconds well, that's just 5 seconds, the most obvious question of all time. hahahahah :D x x x

Are Janet Jackson and La Toya Jackson twins?

No LaToya was Michael Jackson's sister. Though they look similar, they are definitely not the same person!

In Jedward which one is older?

John and Edward Grimes were born on October 16, 1991, at the Rotunda Hospital in Dublin. John is the elder, by ten minutes. The twins were delivered three months early, at 28 weeks, and weighed just 2lb each.

Why do identical twins become less alike as they grow older?

no one's DNA is the same it's probaly just changing or growing in different ways

Do the Russo twins go out with the Sprouse twins?

No, they are just friends.

I am 11 and want to know if having your period is scary?

no it is not, you can talk to an older girl, or a trusted older female about this, they will tell you exactly what to expect, it is just a very natural way for girls of growing up

In cheaper by the dozen is jessica older or kim older of the twins?

well i'd say the tallest twin is the oldest just because there twins doesnt meen there same person even if they identical no no no twins are ver uniqe and sometimes dont get along there the same thing as sisters just born same time and split in two in same egg but as they grow up there best of friends i have a twin im 18 now and she is my best friend we may be non identical but shes the best sister ever

If me and my girlfriend right hand looks just alike every line in our hand are the exact same what do it mean?

It means that you are brother and sister. If they look exactly alike, you could be twins.

Are sadie and john luke from Duck Dynasty twins?

I don't believe so. I just think that they just look at lot like their daddy but I'm pretty sure that John Luke is a year older than Sadie.