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They've always been legal tender, but people usually keep them with the result that they do not circulate.

Contrary to many internet rumors and other popular misconceptions, the US $2 bill has never been discontinued, recalled, or declared worthless. In fact a new print run was recently ordered, although the bills all carry the date 2013 because that's the year that the current Treasury Secretary took office.

In fact, you should try to get and spend $2 bills because they save money for taxpayers. Every $2 bill that's spent instead of using two $1 bills means that many fewer $1 bills have to be printed!

$2 bills only make up about 1% of all US bills in circulation but that's still hundreds of millions of bills. They're not rare, just uncommon.

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Q: Are two dollar bills still legal tender?
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Can 2 dollar bills be used in America?

If they are US two dollar bills, yes. Contrary to popular misunderstanding, $2 bills are and always have been legal tender. The denomination has never been discontinued. It's only printed in relatively small numbers (less than 1% of all currency) but that still amounts to hundreds of millions of bills.

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