

Are unicorns always horny

Updated: 9/13/2023
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12y ago

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Well, if they aren't horny, they're horses.

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Where is the word horny derived from?

The word horny is derived from Greek mythology. The god Pan was always after the nymphs but they always turned him down. Because he had horns, the word horny got associated with anyone who was after someone.

Are unicorns still around?

Unicorns are fictitious, they were never around.Unicorns are now and have always been a myth.

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they float with the power of imagination. and in a world with unicorns you can't always expect the laws of gravity to be exact.

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Yes but first you need to get two unicorns Unicorns are now and have always been a myth.

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No. Unicorns are an old symbol of virginity. That's why they are practically always depicted as being white, also a symbol of virginity.

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Pot can make you a lot of things. When you get high you do things that you've always wanted to do. So yeah you could get horny

Is a unicorn an anorexic rhino?

"Unicorns" always were rhinos. "Unicorns" in the sense of mythical horned horses have never existed."Unicorns" were actually single-horned rhinos (the Indian Rhinoceros), which were used as beasts of war in ancient times. They were misinterpreted as a mythical creature.See this related question: Do Unicorns Exist?

Why is your husband always horny?

Men are usually always horny because the part of the brain that desires evolution by procreation is active, and when unchecked by higher brain functions, can drive some men to behave as though procreation was their only goal in life.

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so horny, horny horny horny.

Where can you get magic powers?

i find it best to go visit the unicorns.. or you could always sell your soul to the devil ;)

I'm in 8th grade and whenever i start to talk to a girl i get horny...why do i always get horny?

Because you are deep into puberty. If this urge comes up again, go to the bathroom an masturbate, no one will be the wiser.

What is group of unicorns called?

As there is no such thing as unicorns there is no word for a group of unicorns is nathan