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The existence of unicorns residing on earth has been debated since early pagan Europeans sighted the creatures in remote magical forest. Recent archeological findings in norther England has unearthed remains of majestic equestrians dating back to the paleolithic era and some indications explain the existence into the early bronze age leaving mythic stories of sighting to be passed down until written record. In short, yes unicorns exist on earth.

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Q: Are unicorns real and do they live on earth?
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Related questions

How do unicorns live their life?

Unicorns are mythical creatures. Myth means fanciful stories. Unicorns are not real, therefore they have no life to live... except in one's imagination.

Where abouts have Unicorns been sighted?

Unicorns are not real and have only existed in books and stories. They will never be found on earth.

Does Becky ride unicorns on the moon?

Yes. This is because unicorns live on the moon because they cant survive on the Earth due to oxygen.

Can unicorns make people sick?

Unicorns are not real.

Are unicorns just a myth?

unicorns are not a myth. theres a book called 90 mins in heaven, when a man said he went to heaven and came back to earth again. Its the same with unicorns. they are real to the people who want them to be.

What is a unicorns habitat?

unicorns are real but it's just a reindeer with a broken horn.

Do pandas hang out with unicorns?

No Pandas are real Unicorns are not

Are unicorns real in an alternate universe?

YES! Unicorns exist on a planet fifty thousand years in the future called new earth. They live hid underneath the boardwalks of the new Santa Cruz beaches and swipe pink cotton candy because that is all they ever eat.

Are purple dancing unicorns real?

No, purple unicorns do not dance.

Why do unicorns eat candycanes in summertime?

Unicorns aren't real

Why if unicorns are not freaking real then why are there so many pictures of unicorns are they fake too?

Yeah, pictures of unicorns are fake. A lot of the pictures are photoshopped.

Are pegasises real are unicorns real are nunicorns real are unicorns real?

Unicorns and Pegasus are mythical creatures, they do not actually exist. Although we have no proof that they are real, there is no factual evidence they are not real. Being said, Unicorns may exist somewhere and we may never know it. It is extremely unlikely you will ever encounter a Unicorn or Pegasus.