

Are vampires actually real creatures

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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No, they are made up like Santa Claus and Zombies

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Q: Are vampires actually real creatures
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What year did vampires live?

Vampires arent real - they are mythical/ fictional creatures. they are said to live forever. but they never actually existed

How many vampires are in the world?

Real vampires - zero (0) Imaginary vampires - all the rest. Vampires are not real, they do not exist, they are creatures of fiction and folklore.

Are Vampires alive right now?

Vampires are fictional creatures, they do not actually exist.

Are vampiers real or not?

No, Vampires are not real. They are mythical creatures and only found un books and films!

How did the world of vampires become real?

Vampires are not real; they are creatures of fiction. Much of the.modern myth of vampires is owed to Bram Stoker and his novel Dracula, and subsequent vampire movies and stories.

Where do vampires hunt?

Vampires!!!! ( THEY ARE NOT REAL! )Vampires though not real don't really hunt. Vampires are blood sucking creatures. So if you really mean eat they !hunt! human's and animal's blood-Ashley! $$$$$$$$ =P

Is it possible your man is a vampire?

No. Vampires are mythical creatures; as real as unicorns and mermaids.

How many babies does a vampire have?

Vampires don't actually exist. They are mythical creatures. Whether or not vampires can have babies depends on the author writing about them.

Who are some modern day non fictional vampires?

Sorry, but vampires are not actually real, and do not exist in real life.

What are vampires relate of?

Vampires are imaginary creatures. There is no such thing in the real world. the closest thing in the real world are vampire bats leches and other bloos sucking paracites. vampires may be fun to read about but they are fiction.

Is there a land where regular vampires and hi-birds and dampers and aspires and full blood vampires live?

No. Vampires and other creatures are not real and are made up for a good story.

Was vampires once real?

While there are stories of vampires and vampire like creatures in the mythologies of most cultures, there is no scientific or other evidence that vampires have ever existed. So, no.