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Q: Are variables automatically initialized by Java if the programmer does not?
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What is finalizer in java?

Finalizes variables so they can't be changed after being initialized.

Write an expression that computes the sum of two variables in java?

int sum = a + b; PS: a and b are int variables that must have been already declared and initialized.

What is a Java programmer?

A computer programmer who uses the Java language.

What happens if you don't initialize an instance variable of any of the primitive type in java?

Java by default initializes it to the default value for that primitive type. Thus an int will be initialized to 0(zero), a Boolean will be initialized to false.

What is a good Java book for experienced non-Java programmer?

Java cook book

How is java reliable?

Java is robust because it is highly supported language, meaning that unlike C you cannot crash your computer with a bad program. Also, another factor in its robustness is its portability across many Operating systems, with is supported by the Java Virtual Machine.

What is the salary of a java programmer?

he can get rs.10000

How programmer can access memmory in java?

You cannot. Java does not allow programmers access to the memory

How do you destroy an array?

That depends on the programming language. In Java - since you posted the question in the Java category - an array is treated like an object. That means that you usually don't need to do anything: as soon as there are no more variables that point to the array - and that usually happens when the method that declares the array finishes running - it will become available to be destroyed automatically by the garbage collector. The programmer doesn't have much control over WHEN exactly this happens; the Java Virtual Machine decides when it's convenient to run the garbage collector.

What is scjp exam?

SCJP - Sun Certified Java Programmer is one of the basic certifications in the Java Programming universe. Any java programmer who wishes to establish the fact that he is knowledgeable in Java, can take up this certification and prove the fact that he knows the basics right.

What are the differences between C and Java reference variables?

Java does not have the concept of Reference Variables. We cannot access the memory location where the data is stored in Java.

How can you become a good java programmer. Using Eclipse or even BlueJ?

It is suggested to take college courses in Java to become a good Java programmer using the programs Eclipse or BlueJ. These courses can be found in-class, or online.