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Q: Are viruses always larger than cells they infect?
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Are viruses general or specific to the cells that they infect?

viruses are specific to the cells they infect called host cells

What did the first viruses do?

Infect cells.

What are most viruses highly specific to the cells they infect?


Are viruses general or highly specific to the cells they can infect?

Highly specific

What is the pathogen attacks specific cells and injects genetic materials?

Viruses attach specific cells and inject genetic material. There are viruses called bacteriophages that infect bacteria be injecting their genetic material into the bacterial host and invading their protein machinery. With animal viruses that infect animal cells (much larger than bacteria), the virus either injects genetic material OR gets into the cell whole before it begins to unleash its pathogenic effects

Where would viruses most likely grow?

Viruses can only live in living organisms (viruses themselves are not actually living). They might infect cells in our body, such as throat cells (infection of throat cells causes sore throat).

What cells are infected by the human immunodeficiency virus considering that most viruses infect a specific kind of cell?


Why are most viruses highly specific to cells they infects?

viruses must bind precisely to proteins on the cell surface and than use a hosts genetic system, this is why most viruses are highly specific to the cells they infect

Do viruses replicate in cells of organisms?

Yes. This is the reason that viruses infect cells. The virus injects its genetic material, either DNA or RNA, which then takes over the cell's activities and turns the cell into a virus factory, causing the cell to make new virus parts and assemble them. Eventually the cell ruptures and the new viruses are free to infect other cells.

Is viruses larger than bacteria and human cells?


how are new viruses produced How might this process cause harm to the infected cell?

All viruses kill they cells that they infect. If not right away then later.

Are viruses larger then cells?

No. Viruses are smaller than cells. If a cell were the size of a basketball, then a virus would be about the size of a penny.