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Q: Are visceral and parietal pleura made out of the same type of epithelial tissue?
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What body system is the pleura?

That is a good question! You have a pleura, that surround the lungs. You have inner and outer layers (visceral and parietal layers). Both are connected to each other. In fact you have a balloon, in which your lungs grow. You take out the air from the balloon and you get the pleura. So both the come together at the blood vessels and bronchi. The lungs are totally elastic organs and collapse to small ball, if air enters the pleura. This elasticity of lungs create the negative pressure in the pleura. The negative pressure in pleura keeps the lungs in expanded condition. You have little fluid in the pleura. This reduces the friction between the outer and inner layers of pleura.

The inner fold pleura closest to lung tissue is called?

The inner fold pleura closest to lung tissue is called the visceral pleura.

WhaT one of the major closed body cavities contains connective tissue membranes?

Cranial cavity - serous membranes dorsal cavity = the back ventral cavity - has the thoracic cavity which contains the lungs(parietal pleura and visceral pleura membranes) and the heart (parietal pericardium and visceral pericardium membranes), the abdominal cavity (parietal peritoneum and visceral peritoneum membranes) and the pelvic cavity which is also peritoneum membranes)

What are the types of connective tissue membranes?

There are 3 types: Pleura, Perioneum, and Pericardium

What is the lining of the lungs?

The parietal pleura.Pleura is the outer covering of LungsThe pleurae are the membranes covering the lungs.The membrane is called the pleura, which is named the parietal pleura for the portion of the membrane covering the inner chest wall and the visceral pleura for the portion of the membrane covering the lung. The potential space between the visceral and parietal pleurae is called the pleural cavity.its called pleural membrane surrounding the lungs n also contain pleural fluid reduces friction during breathing

Where Pleural space is located?

the small potential space between the parietal and visceral layers of the pleura.

What anatomic structure adheres directly to lung tissue?

Visceral pleura adheres directly to the lung tissues.

Is parietal pericardium is the outer layer of tissue of the heart wall?

Yes, parietal means wall so that is always found on the outside. Visceral refers to interal organs so the visceral layer lines the organ itself.

What is the difference between endothelium and mesothelium?

Endothelium is a simple squamous epithelial tissue that lines blood vessels. Mesothelium is a simple squamous epithelial tissue that surrounds the outside of our visceral organs.

What does the visceral pleura line?

The pleura space prevent the lungs from getting collapsed. The lungs are totally elastic organs and will collapse to very small ball, if air enters the pleura. You have little fluid and negative pressure in the pleura, to keep the lungs in expanded condition.

Why dont friction result during movements of the heart and lungs and digestuve organs?

Because every organ has 2 layers of tissue and fluid to prevent friction the inner layer I believe is visceral and the outside is parietal. such as the visceral pericardium and parietal pericardium protect the heart.

What is the heart covered with?

fibrous pericardium (tough, dense Connective tissue), parietal pericardium (pericardial cavity) , visceral pericardium (pericardial cavity)