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skeletal muscle is voluntarilt controlled and the other two are involuntarily contolled

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Q: Are voluntarily controlled by skeletal or cardiac or smooth?
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What kind of tissue is skeletal cardiac or smooth?

Muscle tissue. Cardiac: the muscles in or related to the heart Skeletal: muscles that you can voluntarily control, such as your biceps Smooth: muscles in or around your organs, which cannot be voluntarily controlled (ie. the muscles in your stomach or intestines)

Which types of muscles are involuntary?

Of the three types of muscle, the two that are involuntary are cardiac muscle and smooth muscle.

What type of muscle tissue is voluntarily controlled?

Generally, skeletal muscle is voluntarily controlled and smooth muscle is not. Some structures have a combination of both. For example, the bladder is made up of smooth muscle and consists of some skeletal muscle at the sphincter which is capable of "holding" it until you are ready.

What muscle types are involuntarily controlled?

Skeletal muscle

What are the primary tissue type?

Cardiac, smooth and skeletal.

What tissue can be moved voluntarily?

Skeletal muscles are under voluntary control; smooth muscles and cardiac muscles aren't.

What kind of muscle can you consciously contro smooth muscle or skeletal muscle?

There are three types of muscles. Cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscles are the only ones you can voluntarily control.

What are the 3 subtypes of muscle tissue?

Striated,smooth,and skelital cardiac, skeletal, and smooth

3 kinds of muscles?

The three kinds of muscles are the smooth, cardiac and the skeletal. The smooth muscles are controlled by the autonomic nervous system. The cardiac muscles are in the heart and the skeletal help move our bodies.

What are the 3 main types of muscles?

Skeletal, smooth, cardiac

Give examples of three types of muscles?

Smooth Muscle, Cardiac Muscle, and Skeletal Muscle

What are the 3 types of muscle are they voluntary or involuntary?

3 main types are Smooth, Cardiac and Skeletal. Smooth and Cardiac are involuntary. Skeletal is the only voluntary one