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yes It not THAT deadly, but it is a little.

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3d ago

Water Spiders, also known as diving bell spiders, are not deadly to humans. Their venom is not powerful enough to harm humans, and they typically only use it to immobilize their prey. However, their bite can be painful and may cause some mild symptoms like redness and swelling.

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Q: Are water spiders deadly
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How do you kill a water spider?

It is recommended to contact a professional pest control service to handle the removal of a water spider. Trying to kill them yourself may not be effective, as they can be resilient and difficult to eliminate. It's important to address the root cause of their presence, such as reducing moisture or eliminating their food source, to prevent further infestations.

How can a water spider stand on water?

Water spiders have hydrophobic hairs on their legs that trap air and create a buoyant force, allowing them to stand on the surface of the water. This adaptation helps them stay afloat and move across the water with ease.

What is bound and unbound water?

water that is between sheets or ain't between sheets, complexed or non complexed. Peace out. bound water is nothing but water for crystallization, and unbound water is the moisture present in the sample. we can eaisly remove unbound water and find out its content by gravimetric analysis.

What is the direction of water movement in a cylinder of potato tissue in distilled water?

In a cylinder of potato tissue placed in distilled water, the direction of water movement will be from the external solution (distilled water) into the potato tissue due to osmosis. This is because the potato cells have a higher solute concentration compared to the external solution, resulting in water moving into the cells to equalize the concentration gradient.

What is the scientific name for the water strider?

The scientific name for the water strider is Gerridae.