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It is hard to say whether or not, but entirely possible that one day humans will inhabit Mars. Mars is located in the Habitable (Goldilocks) Zone, but its core has become inactive, causing it to become inhospitable to life. In order for life as we know it to survive on Mars, the planet would have to be 'terraformed,' or made like Earth. Hopefully humanity will be able to survive long enough to find a practical way of colonizing Mars. Overpopulation, disease, hunger, and upheaval are running rampant on Earth. These issues serve as powerful driving forces to find solutions, such as colonization of other planets, but are not powerful enough driving forces just yet. Whether the human race shall survive long enough to colonize another planet is hard to say. We can only hope.

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Q: Are we going to live on mars one day?
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Can people plants and animals live on mars?

Not yet, maybe one day!

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there is no answer to that yet, but since scientists say that the planet mars is the closest one to operate the way the earth does it is possible and maybe someday it will be.

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What oppotunity does mars reresent for earth?

The opportunity that Mars represents for Earth is expansion. It is believed that people from Earth may one day be able to visit or live on Mars. It represents an amazing exploration opportunity.

How long in one day in mars?

The length of a day on the planet Mars is 24 hours and 37 minutes. One year on the planet is equal to 680 days on Earth.

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one earth minute = one mars minute in other word, one minute is one minute everywhere in the universe, same as one second. but one earth day would be different from one mars day as the we use the time it take the earth to finish one rotation as one earth day.

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Maybe one day, but not in the near future.

The length on one day on mars?

24 hours of the day

Why is there day and night in Mars?

Mars rotates about it's axis, so if you were to stay at close to one point on mars for a martian day, then for half the day you would face the sun(day), then later on when mars had rotated round, the part of mars you were on would not be facing the sun(night).

Is the earth going to die out again?

I like the "again"; one day the sun will expand to around the orbit of Mars, but not for many millions of years.

How much does a day on mars take?

It takes about one earth day on mars. My estimate is probably 24 and a half hours in a day. A year takes about 687 earth days on mars.

Why would it be nice to live on mars and what would it take to live on it?

with oxygen water and food you could live in a green house on mars if you can build one