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Q: Are white blood cells produced in the liver?
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How does blood get produced?

Red blood cells and white blood cells are produced in your red bone marrow. Albumin is produced in your liver. Globulin is produced in your reticuloendothelial system. Water and the electrolyte are taken from the intestine.

Where the white blood cells produced?

White blood cells are produced by a multi-potent cell in the bone marrow.

What is the type of marrow that are the most blood cells produced?

Red and white blood cells.

Which gland produces white blood cells?


Which tissue in a bone produces white blood cells?

White blood cells are produced in the bone marrow

Blood is primarily and mostly produced by the?

Red blood cells and white blood cells are produced by bone marrow. Blood plasma is a form of interstitial fluid that is produced by the body.

Where are red blood cells and white blood cells produced?

In the bone marrow

What system has white blood cells?

The immune system uses white blood cells but they are produced and are part of the circulatory system.

What white blood cells are produced by lymph nodes and nodules?

White blood cells, specifically those called lymphocytes.

Where are the red blood cells and white blood cells produced?

The erythrocyte (RBC), leukocyte (WBC) and the platelets are all formed in bone marrow. While the erythrocyte and leukocyte are produced from the hematopoietic stem cells, the platelets are are derived from fragmentation of precursor megakaryocytes.

What chemicals do white blood cells produce?

white blood cells can make chemicals called antitoxins that destroy the toxins produced by bacterica.

Where are red blood cell in human body?

Red blood cells are made in the bone marrow in the skull, ribs, sternum (breast bone), spine and pelvis. The stem cells divide and multiply to make the blood cells. These cells differentiate (develop and mature) as they grow into white cells, red cells or platelets.