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No i do not believe so but if you are still unsure try to contact the Prime minster as he is a conservative and is meant to 'know' everything. This is the year 2010 and the prime minister is David Cameron, i do not support him and still support Labour. LABOUR FOREVER!!!! I love Da forever too ...

He will become a marine!!!! And Frank will too!!!

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Q: Are winged aphids dangerous
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Do aphids eat ants?

No, aphids do not eat ants.Specifically, aphids are herbivorous insects that therefore feed on plants. While feeding, aphids secrete honeydew, which is a favorite of the kinds of ants whose diet is sugar based. In return, ants actually are known to defend aphids against such beneficial predatory insects as ladybugs.

What does the Zayatne Band-winged Grasshopper eat?

The Zayante Band Winged Grasshopper eats several kinds of plants and fruits. They also feed on smaller insects such as aphids and ants.

Does a aphid jump?

Yes, some aphids can -- but no, other aphids cannot -- fly.Specifically, the insects in question are small and generally have all the necessary parts to qualify as an insect. But they also are likely not to have wings or not to use them if they do have them. Wings tend to be found on those aphids which emerge in overpopulated areas in which the population cannot survive on existing food sources. Winged aphids will transport their wingless nymphs and younger aphids to other host plants.

What are the little brown winged bugs that crawl around light bulbs and drop on your head?

They may be gnats, brown aphids, or thrips (thrips usually feed on other mites).

What are the small white furry bugs on your rose shrub?

Aphids Correct me if I'm wrong. I believe they are whiteflies. These are small, furry, winged, and eat the underside leaves of plants. See Wikipedia...

Are aphids sexual or asexual?

Aphids are sexual.

How do you attract aphids?

You attract aphids by putting out roses.

How do aphids eat?

Aphids suck sap.

Do birds eat aphids?

Chickadees, Hummingbirds, and Titmice are birds that will eat rose aphids. Another bird that eats rose aphids is the Warbler.

How can you tell if your ladybug eats aphids?

all your aphids are gone

What is a aphids habitat?

Aphids suck juices from plants such as roses.

What is aphids habitat?

Aphids suck juices from plants such as roses.