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Q: Are women always honest with each other when talking about men?
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Are women good at talking than men are?

On average, yes, because women are born to be natural mothers(not always true) and are better at talking to their children and comforting them, but this is not always the case.

What did most men in Ancient Athens believe about their women?

they bolieve about there women is they were they were honest and they could always count on them and they bolieve in them selves

What can a women can learn from men?

Well to be honest I think its the other way around :L WOMEN TEACH MEN NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND !!!

How do you tell a boy you like him without talking to him?

Women have always found a way to do that with their eyes.

Do women like talking about size off cocks?

As a woman, me and my friends always talk about it. It's very interesting and embarrassing talking about something so personal. But it can also turn a women on.

How do you know if a women likes you?

if she is always looking at you or smiling at you also if she keeps talking to you all the time

What does mean women?

men kidnapping young women, getting them addicted to drugs and turning them into prostitutes then selling them to other men in different counties

Why is your husband texing a other women?

Maybe they are just texting as a friend, think on the bright side, at least he is not talking on the phone with other women right?

Is talking to other women on the computer cheating?

Define talking. but if you mean like talking generously like how was work and this woman is your friend then its not cheating. but if your talking about you no what the yes it is considered cheating.

How do you handle a women coworker talking at the back ill about other women coworker?

Bitchslap her & then report her abusive behavior to l.r.

Is there honest women?

to me there are still honest woman but only few. girls /woman are honest but because of the way most them dress or behave, society will have to keep on asking; "are there still honest woman.? they ask.

Can you see if he is talking or texting other women?

Only if you check his phone for recent texts