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no if they help you see thats the important thing,its not right for people to bully you though.

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Q: Are you a loser because you wear glasses with Dora on them?
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Is glasses cool?

Glasses are cool! I doesn't matter if you wear them because beauty is what you feel about yourself. That's what I say!!! you are totally is the most important part to see not the glasses.....LOSER!!!!!

Why do people who were glasses have circles under the eyes?

People wear glasses because they are either longsighted or shortsighted. People who wear glasses may have circles under the eyes because it is the imprint of the glasses.

Why does Malcolm X wear glasses?

Because he need glasses to see well.

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They wear glasses because of the fog in the tv world. The glasses work sorta like goggles work in water.

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Because, they are like glasses, but you don't have to wear the glasses, at least I think.

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no she just wears them because she like wearing glasses

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Because dogs who wear glasses appear smarter in the cartoons.

Does Malcolm X wear glasses?

Because he need glasses to see well.

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because he could not see

Why does Shino from Naruto always wear glasses?

I think it's because it's his clan tradition, because his dad and other people from his clan also wear glasses.

Am I Dorky because you wear glasses?

No,you are dorky just because your different.

Does 4d tv used glasses?

Well, The 4D Theater Only Let All Boys & Girls Wear 4D Glasses, Because Not If Only That 4D Had Special Effects, In 4D It Also Means That While You Wear The Glasses Because It Will Come Right At You, Or You're Being Terrified Of, & That's Why You Wear The 4D Glasses.