

Are you against minors obtaining birth control?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Are you against minors obtaining birth control?
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Do birth control pills protect against HIV?

No, birth control pills DO NOT protect against HIV

Is Barack Obama against birth control?

No, he is not against it. President Obama is in favor of birth control and family planning.

Can a minor get birth control without parental consent?

It depends on where you live, but most states have clinics that will prescribe birth control pills to minors without parental consent.

Do you need birth control if you use condoms?

Birth control only protects against pregnancy. Condoms protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

How does birth control help protect against HIV?

The only type of birth control that protects against HIV are condoms. Other methods do not prevent HIV.

Can a minor get birth control pills?

yess..minors can get birth control. you can go to a local free clinic or go to planned parenthood, they base the cost of the pills on your income, so any minor can get them pretty cheap.

Do the Duggers have convictions against birth control?

yes of coarse

Can minors get birth control?

Minors have a legal right to Birth Control without parental consent in the US. If this is a medical problem, if you have a really difficult time having your period etc, I would suggest you see a doctor first. Add on: First of all, a minor should talk to their parent or guardian about getting birth control. Birth control pills, patches and shots can be received from a clinic or the family doctor. Some pediatricians will even give them out. Other methods of birth control such as male and female condoms can be bought at about any store with a pharmacy type department and even at convenient stores.

When using birth control pill does it protect you against std?

No, absolutely not

Do all birth control pills protect you against chlamydia?

Absolutley not! The two things that do are: no sex or condoms. Birth control pills control the births of babies, nothing more.

Explain three 3 world arguments for birth control and two 2 world arguments against birth control?

Religion, Morals, and health

What is the legal age to start taking birth control in New York?

There is no specific legal age to start taking birth control in New York. Minors are allowed to access birth control services without parental consent in New York under minor consent laws, which prioritize confidentiality and informed decision-making. It is recommended to consult a healthcare provider for guidance on initiating birth control at any age.