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We aren't prepared and there is no reason that we should be (not happening).

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Q: Are you all prepared for the end of the world?
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Will the world end at night time?

The world could any time. We just have to be prepared.

What are the things that are we going to do when the end of the world comes?

The end of the world marks a new begging. Most of the people will just die because they were not prepared.

Is the world going to end Saturday?

The world is not going to end. who ever told you that the world is gonna end that's a lie. i know it was in the newsapaper this week, but only god know's when its gonna end and if it is be prepared but no its not going to end ok

Why do people want to know when the world goin to end?

So they can be prepared but dont worry im pretty sure the worlds not gonna end

Will the world end on May 15?

Who knows!?!?! We dont have a clue when it will end! all the bible says is for us to be prepared because When Jesus come back, it will be like two theives in the night.... nobady knows.... only God Himself.... but I fya ask me.. look at the world! look at the wars and the disasters!! its all signs! so it could happen!! ANYTIME!!

What happens to the sugar skulls at the end of the festiuval?

You eat them. In fact, all the food that is placed on the offerings altar for Dia de Muertos is eaten by the family who prepared it for its deceased ones, at the end of the day.

When the world ends does mars end too?

First off all the world will not end so Mars will not end.

Is end of the world getting closer?

The end of the world is all up to God. It could end any second...It just depends on when God wants to have the world end.

What group of sciences called science deals with with earth and its neighbors in space?

its meteorology.....the world is gonna end on April 1st of 2012. be prepared

What will happen May 21?

the world will NOT end to all you people who think it will. REMEMBER the world will NOT end

Is world will be end?

Yes the world will end and so will all living creatures and this is called Doomsday

What happened May 21?

the world will NOT end to all you people who think it will. REMEMBER the world will NOT end