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You should speak with your attorney about this. However, dating shouldn't be a problem if you have actually filed for divorce or a legal separation. I'm not sure if your question is asking if you can date while you are living with your current husband, or if you can cohabitate with a boyfriend while you are in the midst of a divorce. If your question is about living with your soon-to-be-ex, it definitely depends on if things are civil or hostile. Don't do anything that will aggravate the divorce because they are rough enough. If you are asking if you can cohabitate with another man, I would not advise it as it does have legal implications. First of all, your husband can accuse you of abandonning your home and/or children and that can have an affect on the final settlement. Secondly, if you are cohabitating with a boyfriend, many states have laws freeing your ex of any alimony obligations, which will also affect the settlement outcome. I highly recommend that you keep any dating you are doing very discreet until the divorce is final. Especially if you have children. It just keeps things simpler.

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Q: Are you allowed to date during a divorce and live in the home with him?
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Things To Ask A Divorce Lawyer?

Divorce can be a very confusing and difficult process to get through, both in a legal sense and in an emotional sense, and so there are certain things that people may forget to ask a divorce lawyer in the heat of the moment. These things can be very important. Generally, they pertain to laws and possessions -- people always want to know what things they are allowed either to take or to keep when a divorce happens. If someone is going through a divorce, it is very important that they ask a divorce lawyer all of the right questions so that they do not end up losing their possessions when the case is settled. The first thing to ask a divorce lawyer is how the home will be dealt with. A divorce attorney will know the laws that relate to this and will be able to give good advice on whether or not a person will be able to keep their home. Sometimes a person is allowed to keep their home, while other times the home is given to their partner. Still other times the home is sold and the money is divided. Since a person will need a place to live, it is important to know if he or she should be looking for a new home or planning to stay. The next thing to ask a divorce attorney is what is going to be done with the children -- if, of course, the marriage has produced children. This whole process can be very complicated. Sometimes the children are allowed to choose who they would rather live with. Sometimes they are given to one parent and the other parent is only allowed to have visitation rights. In some cases, the children live with one parent for half of the year and the other parent for the other half. Finally, a person should ask a divorce lawyer how the money will be divided. Like the home, this can change what a person will be doing during the entire process. If they believe they are going to get enough money to live off of, they may not have to work. If they are going to get nothing, they may need to be looking for a job. A divorce lawyer will be able to advise the right course of action depending on how it looks like the judge is going to decide to divide the money.

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