When a man says you're so sweet does that mean he is into you?
Sweetheart, just because a guy says you're sweet doesn't automatically mean he's head over heels for you. It could just mean he appreciates your kindness or he's trying to be polite. If you're wondering if he's into you, look for other signs like flirting, making plans to hang out, or actually telling you how he feels. Don't read too much into one little compliment, darling.
What does it mean when a girl calls you a weirdo?
Well, honey, when a girl calls you a weirdo, it means she thinks you're a bit quirky or eccentric. Maybe you did something that caught her off guard or made her raise an eyebrow. Embrace your inner oddball and just keep being yourself - someone out there will appreciate your unique charm.
What do men find most attractive in women?
Attraction is subjective and can vary among individuals. However, research suggests that men are often drawn to physical features such as facial symmetry, a healthy body weight, and clear skin. Additionally, personality traits like confidence, a sense of humor, and kindness are also commonly cited as attractive qualities in women. Ultimately, what men find most attractive in women can vary greatly based on personal preferences and cultural influences.
What does a guy mean when he says your mine?
I am just guessing here, but i think he said it in a cute way. Normally when a guy says that it means that he is taking a possession of you! in a cute way i hope! But all in all it means that you are his love or his world. i say it to my girlfriend all the time! ex. I think the reason God sent me on this earth was so that i could have you and be able to call you mine.
In which area were the Maya extremely successful?
The Maya people were farmers who cut down the thick forest to create open fields, where they grew corn and other crops Maya were successful farmers that they began to grow surplus's more food than they needed to feed their own families.
You would need to review the specifics of your divorce decree to determine if having your boyfriend stay overnight would be considered cohabitation. It's important to comply with the terms of your decree to avoid legal consequences. Consulting with a family law attorney for clarification and guidance would be advisable.
Dating your ex-wife may not be a good idea as it could bring up past issues that led to the breakup. It's important to thoroughly assess whether the initial problems have been resolved and if both parties have truly moved on before considering rekindling a romantic relationship. Communication and reflection are key to making a well-informed decision.
How many dates should you have before you sleep w someone?
Answer There are no certain dates specified in stone on how many dates one should have before having sex. That being said, you go with your heart and do as you wish, it's your body, mind, and soul. Don't hand your body out for a lack of something to do. Hopefully the person you choose to sleep with is special to you. Good luck,
Men who take this position already have developed a one-sided "relationship" with (you).
They just cannot admit they are simply head over heels in love/lust
(Man Translation: "weak" or "whipped").
Furthermore "men" do not accept defeat easily.
When the man is ready to take things to another level and the lady is not, this is an indicator of a strong mismatch.
(Translate: It will NEVER work out). This is a very difficult situation for the man…
Unfortunately the man has extremely strong attraction and the woman simply is not interested in him that way.
When it is not reciprocal, spontaneous and timing is matched "it" will never work.
(No matter how hard each person tries).
Relationships must NOT require effort to initiate.
Lord knows there is plenty of effort required over the years through life's tribulations.
Relationships should not have to start out "working" on the relationship.
That is for the "in sickness" and the "for poorer" times...
Men will challenge, cajole and otherwise become "confrontational" when encountering a resistant love-object.
This is a natural male "rejection defense".
Men will "reject" a resistant woman (to avoid being dumped) and thus "save face"...
It is sad that men fail to understand that all a man can do is ask and offer.
It is up to the woman to accept and choose.
The "cave man" mentality is a farce.
It never worked then and will not work now.
However, it is the wise woman who "lets" her chosen man believe that it was he who did the "conquering".
Men need to feel that they achieved the conquest.
NOT that they were "allowed" to participate in a relationship where the woman is actually in control.
Men must provide for women so they can nurture the next generation.
Women instinctively judge a man on his genes and ability to provide good breeding stock and sustenance.
These are primarily the fundamental decision making criteria for women.
Of course, good conversation, similar interests and all the other "fluff" are all quite important.
But I am talking basic instinctive reactions here.
Instinct between men and women has no time for "just friends".
The man must turn his attention away quickly.
He must take his resources to a more willing partner while there is still time.
Man needs time to save face, ego and still retain sufficient resources like money and youth to be a viable candidate.
Then there is the complication presented when other candidate women might encounter previous love objects (competetiton).
Most men are ill-equipped to counter original feelings for a prior object, unless they precipitate a total rejection.
(Translate: Pick a fight or other "deal-killing" argument or confrontation).
This way, the man's new mate will not feel "threatened" when there are chance encounters at the supermarket etcetera...
Remember, most men are absolutely incapable of hiding their instinctive lust reactions.
However they are painfully aware that women are hip to this.
There is simply no other way to deal with rejection effectively and definitively.
Women, on the other hand, are almost always in control of their emotions and the situation.
And therefore do have the capability of being "just friends".
It is completely logical that women are surprised when a "man" cannot comprehend this concept...
(Married 5 times)
What should you do when a married co-worker flirts with you?
Simple flirting in the office with married co worker is okay as long as you do go to far, you must know when to draw the line.
How do you know if he wants to marry me?
By Asking him, If he says "No" then you will know he does not want to marry you, just make sure he knows your being serious.
Its the most effective way, men dont respond well to hints or indirect stuff, we are Direct creatures we prefer people be direct and honest when dealing with us.
Make sure.. if you love him dont scare him! I agree ask direct but let him know how hard it is for you to wrap your head around the whole idea of being locked in a bond with one person for the rest of your life, and let him hear your feelings about the commitment you made and vowed to uphold through the best and worst. If he cant keep eye contact or reveal his true feelings than what are you going to share for eternity... get the idea? this is the start of your new life he's holding back on now!!
Another answer:
Always assume that the worst thing a guy says is true. If he says "I never want to get married," he doesn't. And no amount of plotting on your part will change that. He'll assume that if he says it, and you still stick around, then you're okay with it. Ditto with "I don't want kids," "I have a wife," "I'm really into porn," and "I could spend all week playing WofW." All true. Live with it, or walk away, because it's never going to change. You've been warned.
How long should a woman wait before inviting a man to her house?
If the woman has children she needs to wait a very long time. In fact, when I was divorced I had one child, I asked my mother to babysit and spend the night and I NEVER left my child alone with anyone but my mother. If you do not have children still wait quite some time before inviting him into your home/apartment. If he's the real deal he will not push you. If he isn't, then you've lost nothing. Safety first. Oh, and if the purpose of inviting him to your home is to have sex with him just remember, if he can't afford a decent hotel room (with room service) then why would you waste time on him? But most of all, never "put out" to "go out."
What is verbal ability to be intimate?
Must have a couple of words swapped... but basically -- the ability to be verbally intimate -- would refer to the ability to be emotionally intimate and to have the ability to communicate verbally -- conversations that are emotional and safe and not threatening, not trying to be right, not trying to solve a problem, but connecting by sharing feelings, emotions.. and being a good listener that VALIDATES the other person's feeling ...and doesn't get upset .. just listens and makes the other person feel comfortable above all else.
What does it mean when someone really loves your company?
Is Craig Mabbitt single I know he was with Gab for a long time but are they still together?
They are infact back together.
Twitter photos prove that 16 days ago Craig Mabbit was with Gab and daughter.
There are photos on Gab's Twitter that declares the couple are now back together.
Judgeing by the kisses it is safe to assume they are.
What does it mean when someone says that it has nothing to with them?
Is it illegal for you to run around naked in your classroom for money I'm 17?
It depends in your country but, most of the country... It is! And for money?! I think it is.
What does it mean when he wants your relationship to be private?
most likely he does not want his ex girlfriend to find out because he doesnt want it to be open to everyone because maybe one of his friends like you to he wont want to fall out with him !
he just wants a good relationship and doesnt mean this in a bad way he wants it to work.
Why does he keep saying he wants us to talk even though he doesn't want to go out with me?
he doesn't want to admit he wants to go out with you
How long are kisses supposed to be?
A good by peck less than a second
A passionate kiss shared between lovers, Three weeks sound good.
What does it means when you see things and feel things that aren't there?
If your talking about Para-normal, you could be partially insane.