

Diaries and Journals

Diaries refer to a daily record of observations, experiences, events and feelings of the writer which contains an air of frankness not usually done in writings for publication. Diaries and journals are often used interchangeably.

353 Questions

What are the criticism on peplau's theory?

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Criticism of Peplau's theory includes its heavy focus on interpersonal relationships, which could limit its applicability to broader nursing contexts. Some argue that it lacks emphasis on other important aspects of nursing such as clinical skills and technical knowledge. Additionally, there are concerns about the complexity and subjectivity of her framework, which may make it challenging to implement in practice.

What percentage of people are left handed?

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It varies, it is between 7-10% of the population

AnswerThere are a lot of different answers to this, believe it or not, because the people doing the studies generally look at one age group (or very few different groups). Way back when, all kids in school were encouraged to use their right hand for writing - even to the point that they got punished sometimes. It's much more common for kids and young adults to be left-handed now because of this reason.

Also, it depends on what you call "left-handed". Does that mean you write with it? What if you write with the left and do everything else, like play the guitar and throw baseballs with the right? There's a few people out there that only use their left hand for writing and it feels more natural to use the right for nearly everything else. (The opposite of that is also true.)

For a number, though, when taking into account old people and young, the number is usually right around 7%. When looking at schools now, it is usually working out to right around 10%. I've actually noticed this... Usually high school (just a few years ago) there were about three left-handers in the class, me and two others, when class size was about 30 people.

I know there's a lot here, and it was a simple question, but I figured I'd try to open your mind a little.

Do left handed people live longer than right handed people?

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They do not. On average, right handed people live 9 years longer than them.

Do left-handed people grasp things quicker then right-handed people?

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There is no evidence to suggest that left-handed people have an advantage in grasping things quicker than right-handed people. Hand dominance does not determine overall cognitive abilities or motor skills. Individual differences in grasping speed are more likely influenced by factors such as practice, experience, and hand-eye coordination.

What did Pepys write about in his diary?

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Samuel Pepys wrote about a wide range of topics in his diary, including his personal life, historical events, political affairs, and daily activities. The diary provides valuable insights into 17th-century London society, culture, and politics. Pepys documented significant events such as the Great Fire of London, the Plague, and the Restoration of the English monarchy.

Why is the diary form crucial to plot and character development in anthem?

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The diary form in "Anthem" allows readers to gain direct insight into the protagonist's thoughts and emotions, aiding in character development by providing a deep understanding of his internal struggles and growth. This form also advances the plot by revealing important events and decisions in a personal and immediate way, creating a sense of intimacy that draws readers into the protagonist's journey.

In from the diary of Samuel pepys' what conclusion can you draw about Samuel pepys from his account of the great fire of London?

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From Samuel Pepys' account of the Great Fire of London, it can be concluded that he was a detailed and observant individual who documented events with precision and clarity. His diary entries suggest that Pepys was resourceful, practical, and displayed a strong sense of duty in the face of a crisis. Pepys also demonstrated empathy and concern for the well-being of others during the fire.

Where can I sell my life story?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can sell your life story to publishers, movie producers, or entertainment companies through literary agents or by pitching directly. Make sure to research reputable companies and protect your rights by consulting with a lawyer before signing any contracts.

Why did Emma remark that everyone was relieved in her diary entry?

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Emma likely remarked that everyone was relieved in her diary entry because there was likely a tense situation or uncertainty that had been resolved or alleviated, leading to a sense of relief among those involved. This comment may have captured the collective sigh of relief felt by all parties involved once the situation was resolved.

Can you write a diary entry as if you are Gregor Mendel?

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Dear Diary, Today I observed my pea plants and noticed a pattern in their traits. I have formulated the laws of inheritance, which I believe will revolutionize the field of genetics. I am excited to continue my experiments and unlock the secrets of heredity.

What is the reason to create an everything i know chart or a quad entry diary before reading a text?

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To organize your thoughts and questions before reading a text

Which is the best example of a primary source interview speech newspaper diary?

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An interview with a witness to a historical event would be the best example of a primary source, as it provides firsthand information from someone who experienced the event.

How has Anne's attitude toward her mother changed based on the diary entry of early January 1944?

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In the diary entry of early January 1944, Anne reflects on her relationship with her mother, acknowledging that she has been critical and ungrateful towards her in the past. Anne expresses remorse for her previous behavior and resolves to show more appreciation and love towards her mother. This entry reveals a shift in Anne's attitude from resentment to understanding and gratitude for her mother's sacrifices and love.

How do you write a diary entry about your experience with the jacuna tribe in the amazon raiforest?

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To write a diary entry about your experience with the Jacuna tribe in the Amazon rainforest, start by describing your arrival and first impressions of the tribe and their way of life. Document any interactions, cultural insights, or lessons learned during your time with the tribe. Reflect on how the experience impacted you personally and what you took away from the encounter. Conclude by expressing gratitude for the opportunity to connect with the Jacuna tribe.

What is the best example for a primary source?

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A primary source is any original document or artifact that provides firsthand information about a topic. For example, diaries, letters, speeches, and photographs from a historical event would be considered primary sources because they were created at the time the event occurred and offer direct evidence of what happened.


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The audience of a diary entry is usually the writer themselves. It is a personal space where individuals express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences without the expectation of sharing it with others.

What are the two primary themes of the diary and how are they develpoed?

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Two primary themes of the diary are survival and resilience. These themes are developed through the protagonist's inner thoughts and reflections on enduring hardship and finding strength in the face of adversity. The diary highlights the protagonist's determination to overcome challenges and maintain hope for the future.

What are two mistakes Lewis made in his journal entry?

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One mistake Lewis made in his journal entry was the misspelling of a plant or animal species. Another mistake could be a factual error in his observations or descriptions.

The quad entry diary is a strategy to use during?

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adding a column headed "What I Found Out."

How Do You Write Diary Entry On You Are Grandson Write your Experiences As a teacher Giving Lesson To What if your Grandmother?

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Today, I had the unique experience of being a teacher to my own grandmother. I guided her through a lesson on a topic that I am passionate about, and it was heartwarming to see her enthusiasm and eagerness to learn. Witnessing her curiosity and willingness to engage in the learning process made me appreciate the opportunity to share my knowledge with her in a meaningful way. It was a memorable experience that strengthened our bond and created a special moment that I will cherish forever.

How did the diary of samuel pepys help the government years later?

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Asked by Admae15

The diary of Samuel Pepys provided valuable insights into daily life in 17th century England, as well as detailed accounts of significant events such as the Great Fire of London and the Great Plague. These firsthand accounts helped historians and researchers gain a better understanding of the time period, which in turn has informed government policies and decisions regarding public health, urban planning, and disaster preparedness.

How do you write a diary entry for a fishing trip year 13?

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Dear Diary, today I embarked on a fishing trip that will forever be etched in my memory. The thrill of catching my first fish, the soothing sound of the water, and the camaraderie shared with my companions made this experience truly unforgettable. As I sit here reflecting on the day's adventures, I am grateful for the serenity and joy that nature has brought into my life.

What is the Journal entry to write off a goodwill explain the entry?

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To write off goodwill, you debit the goodwill account and credit the accumulated impairment loss account. This entry reduces the value of goodwill on the balance sheet to its recoverable amount. Goodwill is typically tested for impairment annually or whenever there are indicators of potential impairment.