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Of course you can but not recommended because; during fasting in Ramadan; you are not allowed to practice sex (oral or intercourse sex) with your marriage partner during the fasting period (during daytime from dawn to sunset).

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11y ago
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12y ago

yes, they can.

the only time when Muslims avoid celebrations is the month of Muharam and Safar that's bcz of the incident of Karbala but that's traditional.

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13y ago

Basically, yes. However, you are not allowed to practice sex (oral or intercourse) with your marriage partner during the fasting period (daytime from dawn to sunset)

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During Ramadan the person is allowed to exercise. It is allowed, I mean it's not forbidden or anything. I suggest exercising near maghrib time just so you won't lose the water inside you and you'd have energy to last you during the first half of the day.

During ramadan when do muslims eat?

During fasting in Ramadan, Muslims are not allowed to eat, drink, smoke, or practice sex in the daytime from Dawn to sunset. They are allowed beyond this period to eat, drink, smoke, and practice sex.

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Because Muslims are not allowed to wear jewelry during Ramadan.

What food is not allowed during Ramadan?

Generally, because Muslims honor the holiday, no pork is allowed but that is never allowed. During the fast of Ramadan no food or drink is allowed from sun-up to sun-down. The exact time or the fast depends on the lunar calender, which the Muslims use to guide them. However, when the sun is down, the fast is broken usually in groups such as friends or family.

What are instructions for women during Ramadan while on monthly period cycle?

The woman is not allowed in Ramadan to fast or to perform the ritual praying during her menstruation (monthly period cycle). However, she should fast after Ramadan, as soon as she can, to compensate for the same number of days that she didn't fast in Ramadan. No compensation for the missed praying is required.

In Ramadan menses prohibited?

some food as everyday no pork no alcohol, but plenty of waterMuslims can eat all sorts of food that are allowed during Ramadan as daily life and refrain from eating all those foods that are not allowed but they do not eat anything during thing while having fast