

Best Answer

I think the cell phone means untraceable cell phone. untraceable cell phones can be found at NY and in Moscow in Moscow it is job tier 1 chapter 1 job 2 and in ny it is enforcer tier rob an electronic store job.

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Related questions

Do you have to have a job to sign a cell phone contract?

No. You do not. It might depend on what cell phone provider you are going with though

How old to get a cell phone?

You should be over eighteen yaers old and should have a job so that your can pay for your cell phone.

Can you get a free cell phone?

no but maybe in a contest! or if your dad has a phone job you could beg him to get you one. or your mom if she has a job like that but most likely no.

Did Martin cooper have a job?

Yes he worked for a company called Motorola when he invented the cell phone. Of course Motorola wasn't a cell phone company until Martin Cooper invented the cell phone.

What is the most random-est job?

cell phone taste tester

What do you do if your husband tells you that you are on the cell phone too much?

You have to respect his concerns. Be considerate and when he is around don't use the cell phone. unless it is necessary or it is a part of your job requirement that you must be on the cell phone if this is the reason seek to compromise.

How do you get untraceable cell phone records on Mafia Wars?

Do the rob an electronics store job

What is fair to a 16 year old?

a cell phone, lap top, a job, a boyfriend YEAH!

What is Walmart's employee policy on personal cell phone use on the job?

Your boss will get really mad.

Can your work tell you what to do with your cell phone if they do not pay the bill?

If the phone is in your name and you pay the bill, your place of employment cannot tell you what you can and cannot do with your phone, with one exception: They can request that you not use your phone while on the job.

What are the benefits of a no contract cell phone?

A no contract cell phone is beneficial because you don't have to worry about having a job to keep your cell phone. If you don't have money one month, you don't get to use your phone. Also, if you cannot pay a bill, you just don't get to use your phone, rather than having a contract, they will charge you the price of your bill, plus an added amount to have your phone turned back on.

What kind of cell phone case should I get?

It really depends on your preference to determine the type of case for your phone. You might want to consider one that does the job of protecting your phone from external damages.