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No. Live vaccines are produced with careful culturing methods that ensure the virus is no longer able to do much, if any, harm.

In addition, they're given in the arm, which is not where a virus spreads from, and is not the optimal location for the viruses, so your immune system can quickly get it.

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No, not when you have the flu shot since it is made with "dead"/inactive viruses or pieces of the virus and can't give you the flu, it will only cause your body to respond as if you had the flu (it is "tricked").

However, the nasal spray vaccine that is available in the US is made from live attenuated viruses. Attenuated simply means "weakened". They are chemically made too weak to give a person who is otherwise healthy the flu. But some people who are immuno-compromised, like those with HIV/AIDS or cancer therapy patients and those on medications to prevent organ transplant rejections, can be susceptible to the weaker forms of the virus and it may be possible, but not typical, for them to get the flu from someone who had the nasal spray for a short period immediately after the vaccination.

See also the related question below.

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Q: Are you contagious when you get the flu shot?
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Can you carry the flu if you get the flu shot?

No. The flu shot contains either weakened or dead virus particles that can not make you sick or contagious. They act to trigger your immune system to make the right cells to destroy that type of virus. The immune system is "tricked" into doing it, it doesn't do it because you are actually sick.

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If you don't vaccinate your horse against Influenza, then he will be more at risk of contracting this highly contagious disease.

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You may be contagious a few days after you have had the stomach flu. Normally the stomach flu runs its course in one to two days.

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it takes 3 or 4 days to not be contagious

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the flu shot was as painful as a bee sting.

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Swine flu is contagious from one human to another

Is Flu contagious?

Yes, some strains are highly contagious in humans, such as the H1N1/09 pandemic Swine Flu. Others, like the Avian (bird) flu, are not easily transmitted from person to person. Transmission of the bird flu from human to human is extremely rare.

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your periods can be influenced by the people around you........ but this is hormonal .......periods are not contagious like a cold or the flu

Why get a flu shot?

So you don't get the flu.