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Q: Are you financially responsible for your child is she leaves home 17 in NY?
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If your spouse voluntarily leaves the home does he pay child support?

If your spouse voluntarily leaves the home, they are still obligated to financially support their children. Child support is based on the income and circumstances of both parents, not on who is living in the home. Therefore, your spouse would still be required to pay child support.

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Not unless they signed taking that responsibility on. The estate has to resolve the issue.

Are parents legally responsible for 18 year old child is living out of their home in ny?

In New York, parents are generally not legally responsible for their 18-year-old child once the child is no longer living in their home. Once the child reaches the age of majority (18 in New York), they are considered adults and are responsible for themselves.

How can an 18-year-old leave home without parental permission in NY state when you are now financially responsible for them until they are 21?

He is an adult and the court can find you financially responsible if he is in college, not otherwise. In that case you still pay child support and can choose to pay directly to him or his bills. Just go to court and have it modified.

Are parents responsible for criminal actions of a child who leaves home at 17 years old in Ohio?

Yes, until all children are 18.

Who legally responsibility for child at 16 that leaves home?

Parents are typically legally responsible for a child until they reach the age of majority, which is usually 18. If a 16-year-old leaves home without parental consent, the parents may still be held responsible for the child's well-being unless the child has been emancipated or a court has terminated parental rights. It is important for parents to report the situation to local authorities to ensure the child's safety and well-being.

Will you be financially responsible for your daughter if she leaves home at sixteen without your consent?

ANSWER:: In the vast majority of the States in the USA the legal age to move without parental consent is age 18. Some States have special circumstances such as emancipation of a minor child under 18 which must be approved by the State court..If the minor has not been emancipated by the court and leaves without parental consent then you as a parent must report the minor to the police as a runaway otherwise you can be held legally,financiallyand criminally responsible for that minors actions..

Is mother still financially responsible for adult child living at home?

How old is this person? Child or adult? 18 year old that still acts like a child? I do believe 18 is the age for most states to consider it legal for them to enter into contracts. Unless you co-sign with the person you are not legally obligated for their finances. Under 18 tho, you are responsible for any damages or financial crap they get into .

What consequences will the parents face if underage child leaves home before 18 saying he can make it on his own?

They are still responsible for him even if he says he is on his own. Him saying it has no legal ground.

Can a parent insist that an adult child leaves the family home?

They can tell them to leave. Once a child is an adult, usually age 18 depending on the state, the parents are no longer legally responsible for them. They can even charge them with trespassing if they don't leave.

If a minor leaves and comes back a week later do the parents have to let that child back into the house or not?

The parents are responsible for the minor. They get to decide where they live. They have to provide shelter, but they don't have to do it in their own home.

What are your responsibilities to your 18 year old son if he leaves home to go live with his girlfriend?

If the age of majority in your state or country is 18, there is none. The parent is no longer legally responsible for their child.