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Q: Are you legal when married to lithuanian in UK?
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How can you get married to your Lithuanian girlfriend and work legally in UK?

If you are at present in the UK contact your local Citizens' Advice Bureau. From what you write there seem to be a number of irregularities in your status.

You got married in Ghana is your marriage legal in UK?

If your marriage is Islamic, then no but if you are married by 'justices' like a registry office then yes.

If you are both UK citizens and get married in Gambia is it legal in UK?

Yes if you get married by 'justices' like registry office but not if you have an Islamic (muslim) marriage.

If you got married in Malta in 2004 is your marriage legal when you return to the UK?


Is There Anyway To Get Illegally Married In The UK?

There is no way to get illegally married and then acquire any of the legal rights of marriage.

If you are married in Texas but now are legal residents of the UK can you divorce in the UK?

US marriages must be dissolved in the state in which they occur.

Can you be married to two people at once?

Depends what country you are in. It is illegal in the UK, for example, but legal in Egypt.

What i need to do to stay with her in UK I am Mexican citizen she is Lithuanian citizen living in uk?

Speak to the British Embassy in your country of residence.

Are firecrackers legal in the UK?

Firecrackers are legal in the UK but fireworks are not Legal. So you can bye fireworks in the UK but not firecrackers.

Are you legally married if you live in the UK married in Mexico but never registered the marriage in the UK?

If your marriage was legal in Mexico then you are legally married. You need to obtain a divorce or the Mexican marriage may come back to haunt you some day. If you remarried in the UK without obtaining a divorce that marriage would be invalid and would be exposed if your husband ever showed up.

Do you have to get a divorce in England to marry a Muslim in Algeria?

Assuming that you have a legal heterosexual marriage in the UK (that has government certification), that marriage will be recognized in Algeria. As a result, in order to marry an Algerian, you will need to get a divorce. If you have a same-sex marriage in the UK, you will not need to get a divorce in the UK to marry the Muslim in Algeria, but that marriage will not be recognized in the UK (because you would now be married to two people contemporaneously). If you are not married in the UK, then, obviously, you will not need a divorce to get married.