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Yes you can because of the blood. Practice safe sex and you will be fine, and if not get checked by a doctor first

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Having your period won't lessen the chances of getting chlamydia.

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Q: Are you less likely to get chlamydia during your period?
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Is a urine test as effective as a culture when diagnosing chlamydia?

A urine test is much more sensitive and a bit less specific than a culture for diagnosing chlamydia. In other words, it's much less likely to have false negative results, and a little more likely to have a false positive result.

Can chlamydia show up in less than a week?

It is possible for chlamydia to show up in less than a week.

Can someone become fertile after chlamydia is cured?

Most people with chlamydia are fertile after treatment. However, if you were infertile before, treatment is not likely to change that. The exception is that a few men infected with chlamydia in the testicles have a decrease in sperm count and quality that gradually improves after treatment.

Can you get pregnant if you had unprotected sex 2 days after your period?

It is possible but less likely. This is within the period of time during the egg cycle used by those employing the "rhythm method" to avoid conception; popular with Catholics for whom other means of contraception are forbidden. During menstruation (and a couple of days thereafter) is the least likely period to fertilize the egg as one is not usually present in the womb at this time.It is not impossible to become pregnant during this time, just less likely as the unfertilised egg will not be in a prime position for fertilisation.

Do women get pregnant during their period?

It is possible to get pregnant at any time, but it is much less likely during menstruation. Yes you can get pregnant during you period but it is a very low chance that it will happen. The best time to get pregnant is when you are ovulating and that is normally 14 days before your period.

Win is a girl less likely to get pregnant?

She's least likely when she's having her period.

Can you only get pegnaunt when you are on your period?

You can get pregnant any time you have unprotected sex. It is less likely when you are on your period, but it is still possible. Pregnancy is most likely 1-2 weeks before your period.

How related fertility and menstrual cycle?

They are entirely related. The previous answer that it's ultimately "God's will" and science is only "sort of" involved in fertility is complete nonsense; the entire menstrual process explains in detail when and how fertility occur. In other words, depending on where in your menstrual cycle you are, you will be more or less likely to become pregnant (less likely during your period and just after, more likely during ovulation).

Can you get pregnant 24-27 days after your first day of your last period?

you can, but it is less likely.

Can you get preagnant when you are on your period?

Yes, you can get pregnant at any time regardless, you are less likely to though.

What are the safe days for intercourse?

You're never safe from getting pregnant. True, at some moments during your period it's a little less likely, but you're never a 100% safe.

You heard you cant get pregnant on your period is that true?

no. you ALWAYS have a chance of gettin preggers. its just less likely to happen on you're period