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There are many of these about on the internet and all. Type the term into your favorite search engine and you're bound to come up with a bunch from al different sources and websites.

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Q: Are you on your way to becoming Anorexic QUiz?
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When foods smells bad but its not are you becoming anorexic?

No, not really.

Which gender male or female has a higher percentage of becoming anorexic?


How can teens lose weight without becoming anorexic?

Healthy diet & exercise

Do some children become anorexic to avoid growing up because they're insecure of their self-worth?

That is not a common reason for becoming anorexic at all.

Does becoming anorexic make you lose belly fat?

Becoming anorexic makes you malnurished and paranoid because you are trying to keep the fact that you are anorexic a secret. Being anorexic also leads to many deaths and mental illnesses every day, but back to your originally question yes it does help you loose belly fat.

What is the fastest way to become anorexic?

BEST. Like the best way to get into a car accident. Anorexic is a mind set. OCD helps but girl you just want to be skinny and that not anorexic.

Are you anorexic if you eat one meal a day?

You're only anorexic ifyou have a morbid fear of becoming fatterfeel that you are fat even when your weight is below normal

What is the difference between an anorexic girl and boy?

There is no difference between an anorexic girl and boy. Anorexia is more commonly associated with girls. However, it is increasingly becoming common for boys to suffer it as well.

Is there a quiz to see if you are an anorexic teen?

Yes, just type that category into a search engine (google, yahoo, msn, ect.) and you will find websites of such things.

What are the quiz answers to becoming a secret agent on club penguin?

THERE IS NO MORE QUIZ. Anyway, I won't give you them because that won't gt you anywhere.

I am scared that I'm becoming anorexic but I've been on lots of diets and they don't work what can i do?

Being anorexic is a serious disorder. Even if you diet frequently, that does not mean you are anorexic. If you stop eating or become unhealthily obsessed with your figure and do become underweight, then seeking help would be your wisest option.

Is there a way to force feed a 30 anorexic woman?

Not realistically, no.