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You may or may not be pregnant. You need to consult with your parent/s, guardian or your school guidance counselor and see about getting to a medical professional. Whether you are pregnant or not, there would seem to be a medical concern.

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Q: Are you pregnant because you are only 12 and your stomach is a big lump if not why?
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If a girl swallows can she get pregnant?

No, a girl can only get pregnant by sperm entering her vagina, not her stomach.

Can you hear your stomach growl when your pregnant?

When your stomach wambles (and wambling is when your stomach growls) is just means that the stomach is expanding. There is absolutely nothing wrong. You just ate a little more than normal and your stomach is expanding. Either that, or you are just very hungry.

What Measure to avoid hardening of stomach during pregnancy?

nothing will lessen the hardening of your stomach. accept you are pregnant. its only temporary.

Is it a virus or pregnancy?

if it was just oral sex then, no, its not pregnancy. you probably just have a virus. oral sex can not get you pregnant because you don't ovulate from anywhere were the precum has travelled (from your mouth to your stomach) the only way to get pregnant is to have sex (vaginally). Hope you feel better. if it was just oral sex then, no, its not pregnancy. you probably just have a virus. oral sex can not get you pregnant because you don't ovulate from anywhere were the precum has travelled (from your mouth to your stomach) the only way to get pregnant is to have sex (vaginally). Hope you feel better.

Is it normal for a pregnant woman to have stomach aches?

Stomach aches is not normal but abdominal pains yes it is and only during the first trimester.

Can you get pregnant if you swallow guy sperm?

Swallowing sperm will not get you pregnant. The stomach acids will kill any living sperm. You can only get pregnant if sperm makes contact with an egg.

Is it bad to sleep on your stomach while pregnant?

Only when you are far along but by then it will be uncomfortable to be on your belly anyway.

Can gp tell you after examanation on your stomach only that your pregnant?

No, they can give you a blood test or urine sample also

Could you still be pregnant if you had a three-day period but your stomach is bigger you have gained weight and you are constantly nauseous and have headaches?

It takes quite a while for the stomach to grow when you are pregnant. You could have the flu. If you think you could be pregnant, the only way to confirm it one way or the other is to take a HPT.

Do you have an upset stomach when your egg is fertilized?

Yes, it is possible to have an upset stomach the moment your egg has been fertilized. A pregnancy test will be the only way to know for sure if you are pregnant.

What kind of molecule performs chemical digestion in the stomach?

Protein is the only nutrient broken down in the stomach. This is because only protease enzymes are present in the stomach acid.

You smoke Now it makes you want to throw up Does that mean Im pregnant?

I have heard from several of my smoking friends that one of the first signs that they were pregnant is that when they went to lite up a ciggarete that it made them sick to their stomach. They said that they were only a few weeks along at the time because they had not missed their period yet, but later found out that they were pregnant.