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No if he or she is over 18 they are not kids at that age even if they may act like a 2yr old!

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Generally, you are not automatically responsible for the debts of an adult child living in your home unless you have co-signed or guaranteed the debt. Each situation can vary depending on factors such as state laws and specific circumstances, so it's best to consult with a legal professional for personalized advice.

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Q: Are you responsible for the debt of an adult child living in your home?
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Are parents responsible for debt of adult child?

In general, parents are not responsible for the debts of their adult child unless they have co-signed for the debt or are legally obligated to cover the expenses. However, some exceptions may apply depending on the circumstances and applicable laws. It's recommended to seek legal advice for specific cases.

Are adult children responsible for a parent's nursing home debt in Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania, adult children are not typically responsible for a parent's nursing home debt. However, there are exceptions if they agree to be financially responsible or if there is evidence of financial abuse. It is advisable to seek legal advice in such situations.

Are children responsible for parents nursing home debt in NY?

In New York, children are not automatically responsible for their parents' nursing home debt. However, under certain circumstances, such as if they have signed a contract agreeing to be financially responsible for the debt, or if they have transferred their parents' assets to avoid paying for care, they may be held liable. It is recommended to seek legal advice in such situations.

Who is responsible for your parent's credit card debts if they are in an assisted living facility and there is no money to pay the debts?

Generally, children are not responsible for their parent's credit card debts unless they are joint account holders or cosigners. If the parent is unable to pay their debts due to being in an assisted living facility with no funds, the credit card company may have to write off the debt as uncollectible. It's advisable to consult with a legal professional to understand the specific laws and implications in your region.

Does Georgia allow pension to be garnished?

Yes, Georgia allows pensions to be garnished for certain types of debt, including child support, alimony, and federal tax debt. However, there are limitations on how much can be garnished depending on the type of debt and the individual's circumstances.

Related questions

Can a parent be held responsible for a minor child's debt?

Yes a parent can be held responsible for a minor child's debt if the parent co-signs on a loan with the child. For credit cards, if the child is an authorized user on a parent's account the parent is also responsible for this debt.

Can an adult child inherit a parents debt if there are no assets?

The estate will be responsible for the debts. A child is not responsible unless they co-signed for it.

Is a surviving parent responsible for deceased adult child's debt?

ONLY if the Parent Co-Signed for the Debt. Otherwise NO.

Are the parents of a deceased adult child with no estate responsible for paying unpaid debt?

No, if they were not joint debtor's with the deceased they are not responsible for any of his or her debts.

Would a parent be responsible for credit card debt of their deceased adult child?

Generally no, unless they were a co-signer on the account.

Are parents responsible for debt of adult child?

In general, parents are not responsible for the debts of their adult child unless they have co-signed for the debt or are legally obligated to cover the expenses. However, some exceptions may apply depending on the circumstances and applicable laws. It's recommended to seek legal advice for specific cases.

Is child liable for a deceased parent's debt?

As long as the child is not a cosigner on the debt, the child is not responsible for parent's debt. The parent's estate would be responsible for the debt. Technically this could reduce the inheritance the child receives, but it is not the responsibility of the child.

Is an adult child responsible for a parent's debt when there was no will and no estate?

There is an estate! If you haven't opened one, you should. The estate is responsible for the debts. Consult an attorney for the area that you live in for specifics.

Is a surviving parent responsible for deceased adult child's debt in CA?

In California the estate will be responsible for the debts of the deceased. Only after they are resolved can the estate be closed and any remainder distributed.

Are parents responsible for adult child's debt to an attorney?

Very generally speaking, in the U.S. a person is not liable for any other person's debt, unless that person is a cosigner on a loan or something.

Are children responsibile for their living parents medical bill debt?

Normally a child is not going to be responsible. The exception would be that they co-signed for the bills.

Is child responsible for debts of parents bankruptcy?

No, not unless the child was a co-signer and agreed to be responsible for payment of the debt.