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Q: Are you socially oriented person
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Related questions

What are the characteristics of a socially healthy person?

There are many characteristics of a socially healthy person. These include being able to relate to a wide range of people, and being friendly and open to conversation.

What are some qualities of oriented person?

In whatever way they are oriented will provide the quality -for example, detail-oriented (attn to detail) Oriented is not used alone.

What is the opposite of geek?

The dictionary definition of a "geek" is an unfashionable or socially inept person. So that opposite of a "geek" must be a fashionable or socially confident person.

Should I say detail oriented or detailed oriented?

Detail-oriented. You need a hyphen unless you are implying that you are a detail and you are oriented.

What is self oriented person?

An egoist.

What is the UK term for a socially inferior person?


What is a saddo?

A pathetic or socially inept person; a nerd.

What does it mean to meet and greet people in your dream?

It is impossible to suggest any interpretation without further information. To an out-going, socially-oriented person, this dream could be happy and comforting. But a shy, introverted individual could experience the same dream as threatening and uncomfortable.

Do socially inept people have friends?

yes it depend the person

Is it true that a socially awkward person can be more outgoing if they are friends with an outgoing person?

Nope. Not true in the slightest. The only way a socially awkward person can earn their way into outgoing awesomeness is through getting really wasted and sleeping with a cool kid. Answer A socially awkward person CAN become more outgoing if they are friends with an outgoing person because they can learn from the friend. However, if the friend it too outgoing, for example loud and obnoxious, it can stifle the socially awkward person. Usually when someone is socially awkward it is because they are shy or for some reason feel that they don't fit in or fear rejection in some form. If they hang around an outgoing person they can watch how people react to the outgoing person and see that most often they are accepted.

What is a word for a very rule oriented person?


A narcissist with a socially pleasing demeanor?

Most narcissists do have a socially pleasing demeanor. A person can be obsessed with themselves even to the point of how they appear to others.