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No, someone may have a personality that is abusive, aggressive or not good for us. That may not be spiritual or at least not a good spiritual connection.A spiritual attraction may be an inner recognition that this person is someone who may fit into our life in a way that brings us both inner peace and what the other person needs to progress to be a better person. A simple attraction to anothers personality alone is not necessarily good for us. It takes time with that person in order to know for sure if we have a healthy spiritual attraction.

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Q: Are you spiritually attracted to someone if you are attracted to their personality?
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If you are spiritually attracted to someone does that mean you are attracted to your personality?

Basically yes.

Are you spiritually attracted to someone if you like their personality?

No, not exactly. Spiritual things are of God. If you like their personality you are attracted to them on a different level. Spiritual attractiveness in my opinion should only be for God. =)

I f you tell someone your spiritually attracted are you saying they are ugly?

No I think you are saying that you are attracted to them on a spiritual level, attracted to their being. It has nothing to do with their physical appearance.

How can you be spiritually attracted to someone?

I guess if you have a strong faith in a religion you could be attracted to someone who is also has a passion for that religion OR Since your spirit is supposed to be the center of thoughts or whatever it is, you could just know that a person is the person.

Is it possible to find someone attractive and like their personality but not be attracted to them?

Yes. You are most likely attracted to their body but you are unatracted to their attitude. Or the oposite, attracted to ersonality and unatracted to their body. Was that helpful???

How can you be attracted to someone's personality?

Personality is an important part of an interpersonal relationship with another person. In relative terms, personality is just as important as how someone appears. When you hang out with friends, you have to like their personality in order to get along with them. You don't hang out with people who annoy you, or who just aren't anything like you. This is because you prefer different personalities. When you are attracted to someone physically, you should also like talking to them. If you do not enjoy talking with this person, than their personality is what is bugging you. Some people may not be physically attractive to you, but if you still enjoy talking with them, than they have a personality you like. Take for example, you may not like a friend physically, but you love talking to them. You are attracted to them by their personality.

How do girls get attracted by a boy?

Girls get attracted by your appearance and your personality

Why are girls attracted to a guy's butt?

Bro we aren't attracted to guy's butts. We look for good personality and someone to treat us right. Men have the obsession with butts and breasts.

What attract you most the inside or the outside personality?

I find in most cases that the outside personality attracts me at first. When that person reveals the inside personality I am either more attracted or less attracted.

Is it all right to be attracted while in a relationship?

You SHOULD be attracted to someone you're in a relationship with, either physically if you're shallow or personality-wise if you're more mature. That's the whole point silly.

Why are people attracted to girls who have a camel toes?

People are not attracted body features. But people are attracted to personality and character.

What does it mean for some guy to tell you hes spiritually attracted to you?

It means that his mind is attracted to you but his "body" is not there yet. Give him sometime and he will be fully attracted to you yes or it may mean he is already fully attracted to you if he doesnt think sex is unspiritual