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No. This CM (cervical mucus) can be indication of pregnancy or Ovulation.

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Q: Are you supposed to have a lot of white cervical mucus when your period is late i never noticed this before?
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No cervical mucus just before period means not pregnant?

no true

Is it normal to have cervical mucus everyday and not just before your period?

Yes. You have cervical mucus everyday and it also changes everyday.

How long before your period do you get mucus?

The snot like mucus is called the cervical mucus. If a woman has a 28 day cycle, then her period will normal start 14 days after the cervical mucus appears.

How long are you supposed to have bloating before your period?

Two week

What does six days before your missed period mean?

It means that if your period is supposed to start on Saturday, 6 days before your missed period would be the Tuesday before.

Is soreness in the breast supposed to occur before having your period?

This is common.

Can the death of a close family member that happened 1 week before you were supposed to start your period prevent you from getting your period that month?

It's possible. Stress can cause ovulation to be suppressed, but that would've been two weeks before you were supposed to get your period.

Why might you get your period a week and half before your supposed to get it?

lack of protein or iron.

Is there a way to stop your period a day before I'm supposed to come off?

No, there is no way to stop your period a day before you are supposed to come off. The myth that douching works is nothing more than that, and is actually quite dangerous.

What does it mean if you are getting thick discharge?

Throughout the month as estrogen levels rise and fall your cervical mucous varies from thin and clear to white, thick and sticky. After you ovulate your normal cervical mucous can be white and thick and lots of it, before turning fairly dry again just before your period. If there is no odor and no itch or burning it is just your body doing what it is supposed to do OR If its white its most likely yeast. If it gets worse and starts getting itchy and irritated you probably have a yeast infection.

Will a pregnancy test tell me if im pregnant two weeks before my period is supposed to start?

No. If your period doesn't arrive, then take a test

If you have protected sex the day before are supposed to have your period and your period does not come can it be a sign for a late period or pregnancy if so what are the chances?

Usually, that close to a period sex will cause a delay in the period for a day or two.