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Wet is the condition of being liquid or being covered in liquid. Either you are in water, out of water but splashed by water, thrown into the pool of gasoline, running sweat from T-rex... you are wet.

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Q: Are you wet when you are under water or are you wet when you come to the top?
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Are you wet when you're completely under water or is the water just around you?

No you are not wet. the water is just around you. Only u get wet when u come above water.

If you are completely under water are you really wet?

this is proof... that you are not wet under water because it is surrounding you and when you come out from the water you would be wet because it is only small parts of drops. i have tested this many times myself since i am a highly trained scientist.

If your under water are you wet or dry?

You are wet.

What is a swamp's climate?

Warm and damp The surface of a swamp is wet with animals that float to the top and some animals do not come to the top of the water.

When your in a pool of water are you wet or is everything around you wet?

Everything around you is wet, not you. When you come out of the water, its like breaking a barrier that can make you wet, that's why you feel like there is just a ring surrounding you, in a way.

Are you dry under water?

If you are under water without special equipment, your are wet.

How do you go under water and not get wet?

i dont no

What is the answer to the analogy water is to wet as dust is to what?

The answer to the analogy "water is to wet as dust is to what" would be dry. Water becomes wet when it comes in contact with it, similarly, dust becomes dry when it is not wet or has not come in contact with water.

Are you wet under water?

If you are literally in deep water, you would be wet (unless you were wearing a diving suit). However, the phrase is a saying that means that whatever you are doing or trying to say, you are 'out of your depth' - you do not have the experience, kudos, good will or knowledge to deal with situation.

Can Webkinz go in water and get wet?

Webkinz Can Go In The Water (Pool) But When They Come Out They Dont Look Wet

How can you repair an underwater tear in an inground liner pool The tear in on the top step?

Yes buy using a wet under water repair kit

When you are under water do you get wetter than you were when you first went in?

when you are in, you are in and wet. That is it.