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Q: Are your traits always determined by just one gene?
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A four-letter word for traits passed on by parents to offspring that are different?

gene Recessive. Traits not necessarily evident in the parent, but in the family somewhere. It is a gene thing, but just" gene "can represent other things besides recessive traits .

Traits that are typically expressed even if an offspring inherits just one copy of a gene for the trait are called?

Dominant Traits

Traits that are typically expressed even if an offspring inherits just one copy of a gene for the trait are called what traits?

Dominant trait due to doominant gene (as against recessive trait)

Are all traits inherited this simply?

Yes they re inherited this simple you're perents just pass there gene to use which will determin which traits you will have.

What are the traits that are typically expressed even if an offspring inherits just one copy of a gene for the trait called?


What are the traits of having green eyes?

Someone described as green, idiomatically, means envious, jealous.There is not a common English phrase "green eyes" - perhaps you mean "green-eyed monster" which does mean jealousy.

What is it called when an organism has genes that are different for a trait?

Well every gene in the human genome codes for something different. The fact that variety exists is determined by the alleles of that gene. The human genome has over 35,000 genes that all work together to form a persons genotype. Observable features are an organisms phenotype and those are composed of different traits, i.e. eye color, hair color, certain behaviors. All of these are also coded for by specific genes.


a small segment of DNA that carries hereditary information.

Why do you think it was important for Mendel to study only one trait at a time during his experiments?

He didn't just study one trait at a time he studied single gene traits, with clear dominance versus recessiveness. Single genes produce genotype ratios 1:2:1 & phenotype 3:1 He did study dihybrid crosses where he tracked two single gene, unlinked traits. Dihybrid ratio genotype pattern is 1:4:6:4:1 while the phenotype is 9:3:3:1 Mendel's peas were domesticated with easily distinguishable single gene phenotypic traits (short vs tall; wrinkled vs round; greed seeds vs yellow seeds). Peas only have 7 pairs of chromosomes and Mendel used 7 visibly distinct, single gene traits that assort one to a chromosome pair. Each trait he studied shoed complete dominance, not with blended (incomplete dominance), or checkered (codominance). The difference is that single gene traits are controlled by the alleles for just one gene. Not all traits are single genes however. Most traits are polygenic, influence by multiple genes. Polygenic traits do not produce progeny with clear whole number ratios for each version. Instead the progeny show a normal distribution curve where most progeny have the average value but the are individuals at each extreme. It was the good sense or good fortune that Mendel did choose to study single gene traits so he could discover the ratios that provide the evidence for his laws of inheritance.

Why meiosis provides genetic variation?

Sexual reproduction (using meiosis) provides genetic variation because the two parent's traits are combined. With asexual reproduction, the parent gene is just duplicated.

How are dominant and recessive genes related?

Dominate them. Recessive alleles do not show in your phenotype unless you have two of the same recessive allele. But if you inherit one dominant and one recessive, it is the dominant that always shows in your phenotype.

What are hades traits?

Hades is known to be moody, depressing (but not depressed), dark, morbid, and just. And always very passionate and loving toward his wife Persephone.