

Are zombies dangerous

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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Zombies are dead and eat our brains. So they are dangerous only if you have a brain.
The original term 'zombie' referred to a person that came back from the dead. In the Voodoo religion certain people were poison with the toxin from the puffer fish which paralyses its victims, to the extent that they do appear very dead. Such people do revive however and go on to live normal lives. These people were referred to as zombies. The Voodoo priest that 'over-saw' such a revival garnered much respect and admiration.

Such zombies are not dangerous, or at least no more so than any other person.

Christian missionaries, unaware of the true nature of a zombie, were naturally 'concerned' over such an incidence in a religion not their own and attempted to vilify the phenomena. Hollywood has picked-up on this tradition and exaggerated it to horrific extremes.

The Hollywood zombies are very dangerous.

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