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I am for this argument. Children need to be taught respect and good behavior. If parents won't do it who will? Teachers may or may not, but parents should care enough about their children and their future to put as much effort as they can into this. I think one of the biggest problems is that parents teach their children that they deserve respect without earning it.

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Q: Argue for or against the view that irresponsible parent is the cause of indiscipline among youth in the society?
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What are child and parent processes?

A child process is a process that was created by a parent process. The child process usually helps the parent process accomplish some task independently of the parent.

How do you give the lost items back to the kids on imagine teacher the game?

okay i know how. whenever you have meetings on Friday the parent will give the kids parent to him or her. then they will have it.

What is the significance of MDI form?

MDI stands for Multiple Document Interface. It is an interface where an application can present multiple documents or views to the user in a way that aggregates (or collects) them all under the parent application. Microsoft Word is an example of an MDI application; there are many others. Often, each MDI child is constrained to being visible only within the child region of the parent window. Often, the parent window's menu is changed in context with whichever child has focus at that moment in time.

What two attributes must be contained in the composite entity between store and product?

Primary key of both parent attributes

What are the two basic types of reproduction and differentiate them clearly?

There are two main forms of reproduction: 1) Asexual - In this, only a single parent is required. This is the form of reproduction in primitive organisms. The parent simply divides itself into two. The type of cell division is mitosis. The children produced are a genetic clone to the parent. Hence this is not favorable where genetic mutations are necessary. 2) Sexual - In this, two parents are required. This is the form of reproduction in higher organisms including humans. Each parent cell divided into 4 leading to cells with half the chromosome count(meiotic division). Then two meiotic cells fuse to form the zygote in which the original chromosome count is restored. It leads to genetic variation in the offsprings enabling them to survive better in the mutating environment.

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What are the main causes of indiscipline among the youth in the school?

There are many causes of indiscipline in the youth found in today's society. One of the main causes being the lack of parent involvement as well as parents not making children responsible for their own wrong doings and failures. Too often, parents are unaware of what is going on in their children's school until the child comes home with a failing grade. The parent is then ready to march into school and reprimand the teacher instead of the child. Children pick up on these behaviors and think that every time they are insubordinate that the teacher will be forced to take the blame.

Do you still have to pay child support if the parent does not show up to the hearing?

Of course. Just because a child's parent is irresponsible that doesn't mean her non-custodial parent should be freed from the responsibility of supporting her. She still needs food, clothing, medical care, a place to live, etc.Of course. Just because a child's parent is irresponsible that doesn't mean her non-custodial parent should be freed from the responsibility of supporting her. She still needs food, clothing, medical care, a place to live, etc.Of course. Just because a child's parent is irresponsible that doesn't mean her non-custodial parent should be freed from the responsibility of supporting her. She still needs food, clothing, medical care, a place to live, etc.Of course. Just because a child's parent is irresponsible that doesn't mean her non-custodial parent should be freed from the responsibility of supporting her. She still needs food, clothing, medical care, a place to live, etc.

Does Disney somehow pose a danger for children and society?

Because they show the kids Kissing and just in general closeness. Also, they show the kids rebelling against their parent!!

Is irresponsible parent is the cause of family problem?

That can be one cause to one problem but not to all problems and definitely not the only cause. Your question is not very specific.

What can be done if the non custodial parent is turning the child against the other parent?

Go back to the custodial court. Most custody orders and visitation orders etc have a provision against alienation of the child against the other parent.

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Parent and housekeeper.

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depends how responsible/irresponsible the children are

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family feud too expensive punishment too young chat with boys/girls need to study irresponsible

Can an adult child sue a parent for smoking in the house?

Unfortunently you can not in our society.

Can a teacher file a defamation suit against a parent for wrongful allegations?

Yes, a teacher may file a defamation suit against a parent for wrongful allegations. The teacher will need proof showing what the parent did and proof showing she was not reprimanded for it.