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The metals and non-metals have been arranged according to their densities in the Periodic Table.

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Q: Arrang the metals and non-metals in table according to their densities What general conclusion can you draw from your list?
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Do metals metaliods or nonmetals have al low mealting point?

Yes and No, your question is to general to provide a specific answer.

What are the general and characteristics of metals and non metals and metalloids?

Metals: Shiny 'metallic' appearance Solids at room temperature (except mercury) High melting points High densities Large atomic radii Non Metals: High ionization energies High electronegativities Poor thermal conductors Poor electrical conductors Brittle solids Little or no metallic luster Gain electrons easily Metalloids: Electronegativities between those of metals and nonmetals Ionization energies between those of metals and nonmetals Possess some characteristics of metals/some of nonmetals Reactivity depends on properties of other elements in reaction Often make good semiconductors

How do i answer my conclusion on tropical cyclone project?

Wikianswers will not do your homework for, but it can offer advice. The conclusion will depend on what you discuss in your project, but in general it should summarize the basic ideas drawn from the project.

What are some properties that make metals and non metals different?

The fundamental difference between metals and nonmetals is that metals tend to lose electrons in chemical reactions, and nonmetals tend to gain electrons in chemical reactions (not including the noble gases which are also a type of nonmetal and which are not reactive). In terms of physical properties, metals have a distinctive metallic appearance, shiny and silvery; they are good electrical conductors, they are flexible (although it is possible to formulate less flexible alloys) and usually solid, except for mercury which is liquid. Nonmetals come in other colors, are generally not good electrical conductors, and come in a variety of phases, solid, liquid, or gas.

How could you use the electron arrangement of an atom to determine whether or not it is a metal?

Metals have 1, 2, or 3 outer energy level electrons. (except lead and zinc which have 4) nonmetals have 4 or more outer electrons in general.

Related questions

Given that a large number of non-metalsare gases what does it tell you about the densities of non-metals in general?

In strict logical inference, nothing, because there could be very dense nonmetals to compensate for the gases. However, in fact the densities of nonmetals on average are less than the densities of metals.

What are three general characteristics if nonmetals?

Nonmetals are generally the opposite of metals. They are very brittle, are not good conductors of heat and electricity, and are dull. Most nonmetals are gases at room temperature, which means they have low boiling points. They have lower densities than nonmetals.

What is a general conclusion?

a general conclusion is like an overall outcome. for example: the class' general conclusion was that there should be no homework for a week.

What is a universal conclusion?

A conclusion that is more general and can be applied to the general public

What is conclusion generalization?

a general conclusion is like an overall outcome. for example: the class' general conclusion was that there should be no homework for a week.

This argument can move from a specific premise to a specific conclusion or from a general premise to a general conclusion?

Valid argument

His argument can move from a specific premise to a specific conclusion or from a general premise to a general conclusion?

Valid Argument

Would bromine and oxygen form an ionic compound?

No. Both oxygen and bronie are nonmetals. As a general rule, nonmetals will form covalent bonds with one another.

What is the general trend in densities for period 2?

Increase from left to middle and decrease from there to the right.

What are the advantages of nonmetals?

All materials have advantages or disadvantages - this depends on their use and cannot be enumerated in general.

What is inductive reasoning moves from what to what?

The use of a specific observation to reach a general conclusion. (APEX)

Do metals metaliods or nonmetals have al low mealting point?

Yes and No, your question is to general to provide a specific answer.