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Q: Arrange earths wind systems starting from the equator and moving toward the poles?
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What causes two distinct pressure zones between equator and the poles?

The Earth's rotation turns the polar high pressure systems westward as they move from the poles (westerlies), and the subtropical high pressure systems eastward as they move toward the equator (tropical easterlies).

What is the projection of earths equator on the celestial sphere?

Celestial Equator

Where is earths circumfrerence greatest?

at the equator.

How old is earths equator?

The equator is the same age as the current shape of the earth.

What country doesn't touch the Earths equator?

Many countries do not cross the equator.

The longest parallel on the earths surface is the?

The Equator.

How many miles is the earths equator?


Is the earths axis perpendicular to the equator?


Why does the equator go sideways?

The tilt of earths axis makes the equator appear to be sideways.

Where is earths equator?

The equator goes though South Africa, Africa and new Guinea

Which location is earths magnetic field is the strongest?

The equator

Why do the poles receive the less solar energy than the equator does?

Because the middle of the earths surface is the hottest on earth and the equator is right in the middle and the poles is at the end of the earths surfaces