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Q: As a glacier moves through a valley it carves out what?
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What is the movement of a glacier?

As a glacier moves through a valley, it digs deep into the walls and floor . A once-narrow valley that had a V shape becomes wider. As a glacier moves through, the valley becomes U shape .

How does a glacier help to form a valley?

A glacier helps to form a valley in two ways. When the glacier moves through an area, it scrapes the land and pushes dirt in front of it, making a larger and larger hole that eventually becomes a valley. Runoff from the glacier as it melts also helps, as it carries soil away from the area, digging out a valley.

What type of glacier is the Tazlina glacier?

it's a valley glacier, it moves slowly carrying debris and melted snow.

Which part of valley glacier moves the fastest?

Yes, because continental glaciers form faster than valley glaciers.

Which forms as a glacier moves into a stream valley?

U-shaped valleys or cirques. Not positive.

What forms a glacier moves into a stream valley?

A 'V' shaped valley is formed by streams and water action. A 'U' shaped valley is formed by the gouging out of the valley walls by a glacier. A hanging valley is where side valleys are cut across by the main glacier. Hanging valleys often have waterfalls that fall into the main valley over a cliff.

How does ice transport eroded materials?

Ice transports material through glacial movement. As the glacier moves down a valley, it picks us sediment and rocks from the valley sides that get trapped in the glacier or fall on top. This is common as the most obvious place for rock to accumulate is the surface of the ice. Glaciers also pluck rocks from the base of the valley through water melting and seeping into cracks. This water freezes again and the pulling force of the glacier rips rock from valley floor. As the ice moves, the process that occurs is sometimes called the sandpaper effect as it grinds away the floor of the valley. This is called abrasion.

What forms as a glacier moves into a stream valley?

A 'V' shaped valley is formed by streams and water action. A 'U' shaped valley is formed by the gouging out of the valley walls by a glacier. A hanging valley is where side valleys are cut across by the main glacier. Hanging valleys often have waterfalls that fall into the main valley over a cliff.

What type of weathering is a glacier?

it is when a glacier moves into a large rock mass, cutting its way through.

Which landform can a moving mountain glacier carve?

A moving mountain glacier can carve a U-shaped valley. As the glacier moves downhill, it erodes the sides and bottom of the valley, creating a distinctive U-shaped cross-section. The glacier's immense weight and motion combined with erosion from the ice can shape the landform over time.

How do valley glaciers form?

A U-shaped valley begins as a V-shaped river valley. If the temperature is low enough, a glacier (river of ice) forms inside the valley. As the glacier slowly moves, it scours the valley floor when the temperature rises and the glaciers melts away, a U-shaped valley is left behind.

What glacier weather's rock's by plucking?

A glacier will pick up rocks as it moves downhill. It is these rocks that gouge out the underlying ground and will eventually form a 'U' shaped valley. As the rocks are also ground down into a paste, the bed rock layers the glacier moves over can become quite polished.