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it is when a glacier moves into a large rock mass, cutting its way through.

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Q: What type of weathering is a glacier?
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Which is a very slow type of erosion that moves rocks and soil is it a glacier a creep a landslide or weathering?


Is glacier action chemical weathering or mechanical weathering?

Mechanical weathering for example freeze-thew process or abrasion.

How can you use the words glaciers and weathering in a sentence?

Wind and weathering can cause glacier erosion.

Why is freeze thaw weathering absoloutely vital if a glacier is going to be able to erode its valley?

Its to do with how it is able to form the glacier. There is a cylce where the ice can only cycle round and round if freeze thaw weathering is taking place, meaning that a glacier can erode its valley. The process of freeze thaw weathering erodes the valley.

What can affect the rate of weathering?

wind, water, waves, & glacier

How is a glacier a source of weathering and erosion?

glacier move at approximately 2 cm per day. even though that isn't much, glaciers constant;y take with them dirt and sediments from the ground, eroding it. this could also be weathering.

What type of glacier is the thiel glacier?


What is the main type of weather in in the desert?

Physical Weathering (aka Mechanical Weathering) is the main type of weathering in deserts.

What are the rapid changes to earths surface?

eroison weathering landslides valcano earthquakes floods glacier

What type of weathering can ice wedging cause?

The type of weathering that causes Ice Wedging is Mechanical/ Physical Weathering.

Is a type of physical weathering.?

Frost wedging

What type of volcano is glacier peak?

Glacier Peak is a stratovolcano and is active.