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No, the half life remains exactly the same throughout

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1h ago

The half-life of a radioactive element is the time it takes for half of the atoms in a sample to decay. As the sample decays, the number of radioactive atoms decreases while the number of stable atoms increases. The process continues in this manner, with each half-life reducing the amount of radioactive material by half.

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7y ago

The half-life means how long it takes for half of a sample to decay.

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13y ago

its called Half-Time...

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12y ago

Remains the same

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Q: As a sample of a radioactive element decays its half-life?
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How long will it take half of a radioactive sample to decay?

The time it takes for half of a radioactive sample to decay is known as the half-life. Each radioactive element has a unique half-life, which could range from fractions of a second to billions of years. The half-life remains constant regardless of the size of the initial sample.

What is the sample of the radioactive isotope 131I decays its half-life?

The sample of radioactive isotope 131I decays over its half-life of approximately 8 days. This means that within 8 days, half of the initial amount of 131I will decay through radioactive decay.

What happens to a radioactive material over time?

Radioactive materials decay over time, emitting radiation in the form of alpha, beta, or gamma particles. As the material decays, it transforms into isotopes of other elements until it reaches a stable state. The rate of decay is measured by the material's half-life, which determines how long it takes for half of the radioactive sample to decay.

What is meant by the half-life of a radionuclide?

The half-life of a radionuclide is the time it takes for half of the radioactive atoms in a sample to undergo radioactive decay. It is a characteristic property of the radionuclide and can be used to determine the rate at which it decays.

What happens to the half life as the sample gets older?

The half-life remains constant for a particular radioactive substance, regardless of how old the sample is. This means that the rate at which the substance decays and the time it takes for half of it to decay remains consistent over time.

Related questions

How does the length of the half-life of the element correspond to the radioactivity of the element?

The length of time required for half of a sample of radioactive material to decay

What is the process by which an element slowly decays over time?

It is through radioactive decay that a quantity of an unstable element will decay over time. A material that is unstable will undergo this process, and the sample is said to be radioactive.

How long will it take half of a radioactive sample to decay?

The time it takes for half of a radioactive sample to decay is known as the half-life. Each radioactive element has a unique half-life, which could range from fractions of a second to billions of years. The half-life remains constant regardless of the size of the initial sample.

What is the time needed for half of a sample of a radioactive isotope to break down to form daughter isotopes called?


How do you identify beta decay?

A sample of 187 rhenium decays to 187-omium with halflife of 41.6 billion years. If all 188 osmium are normalized isotopes.

The time it takes for half of the radioactive atoms in a sample of a radioactive element to decay is the element's?

i got no idea

What is the sample of the radioactive isotope 131I decays its half-life?

The sample of radioactive isotope 131I decays over its half-life of approximately 8 days. This means that within 8 days, half of the initial amount of 131I will decay through radioactive decay.

What evidence would a scientist use to determine the absolute age of a fossil found in a sedimentary rock?

Uranium is the element that decays at a rate that relates to the sample. Uranium is the element that decays at a rate that relates to the sample.

How can half lives be shortened?

Half life of an element can't be changed.. It is a characteristic of a radioactive element which is independent of chemical and physical conditions.. Half life is that time in which half of radioactive sample( i.e., a radioactive element) decomposes. So no matter what amount you take half life of an element remains same.

What happens to the mass of a sample containing a radioactive element during its half-life?

Chawad says... They are directly proportional

How does carbon dating work ma?

Carbon dating works by measuring the amount of radioactive carbon-14 in a sample. Carbon-14 is present in all living organisms and decays at a known rate after death. By comparing the amount of carbon-14 remaining in a sample to the amount in living organisms, scientists can determine the sample's age.

What is half-life as it relates to a radioactive element?

It really applies to radioactive isotopes, not elements. An element may have different isotopes, some of which are radioactive, some not.The half-life is the time it takes for half of a sample to decay - for the atoms to convert to some other type of atom.