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the day before your period is due

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Q: As a teenager how soon can you tell if you're pregnant or not through a blood test?
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What is the pregnant girls name off of secret life of an American teenager?

there is 2 pregnant girls now so im guessing youre talking about Amy or Adrian

When youre pregnant and your period come on and the blood be bubbly means?

If you were pregnant then you wouldn't menstruate at all. Menstruation only occurs if there is no pregnancy, if you menstruate you're not pregnant.

Does youre stomach still go in and out when you breathe if youre pregnant?

Yes. You still breathe normally while pregnant.

Could i be pregnant i have sore heavy breasts headachs back ach cramps feel very tired i came on my period 2 days early an it is different to my last one it is very light i feel i have a temperature.?

when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant.

Do you count the weekends when youre pregnant?


Can you be pregnant if youre spotting and cramping?


Can you have period pain if your pregnant?

yes. you can even have your period while youre pregnant

How do you tell from your period if your pregnant?

you miss youre period if your pregnant.

Why does blood spurt out profusely if the blood vessel on the wrist is cut?

If you cut any artery, blood will spurt out profusely. The heart pumps blood through the body under pressure.

If you think youre pregnant is it normal for you to be spotting blood the first three weeks?

Spotting fresh blood during early pregnancy does occur and can be harmless but bleeding for 3 weeks is something that needs investigating by your doctor.

Can you be pregnant while seeing your period?

No. The reason you have your period is because you have an unfertilized egg in your uterus so your uterus wall will shed off blood, causing your period. If youre pregnant ( which means you have a fertilized egg growing in your uterus) then your uterus will not feel the need to shed off blood.

How can you not look like a teenager?

mature more faster and look like youre in your 30s or 40s thats how