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Q: As you are cooking your hand brushes up against a hot pan you quickly pull your hand Away what type if stimulus is this?
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As you are cooking your hand brushes up against a hot pan. You quickly pull your hand away. What type of stimulus is this?


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Animals respond more quickly to a stimulus as animals have a central nervous system and a brain. Nerves conduct impulses very quickly. Plants dont have nerves and any responses are produced by hormones and are thus slow.

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Emotion is that part of the mind that reacts quickly to an external stimulus and which perceives that stimulus in a positive, neutral, or negative way. Emotion is distinct from the intellect and the will.

Why are the brushes of DC motor motor made of carbon rather than copper?

Carbon is much stronger and because the motor commuter is spinning copper brushes will wear off quickly.

Does cooking oil becomes gas very quickly at room temperature?

No, it doesn't.

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What are two examples of a stimulus response reaction?

The knee jerk and touching something hot or sharp and moving your hand away quickly.

What are the similarities between classical conditioning and one trial learning?

CLASSICAL CONDITIONING ONE TRIAL LEARNING Requires a number of associations between the UCS and NS Quickly acquired Can extinguish relatively quickly Resistant to extinction The UCS is presented immediately after the CS The CR (feeling sick) can occur hours or days after the CS (food) but an association between the two is still made Stimulus generalization may occur Stimulus generalization rarely occurs you can use almost any stimulus in c.c in o.t.l food is nearly the only effective stimulus.

What are the Disadvantages of removing cooking string before cooking?

Removing cooking will loosen the meat and cause it to cook differently. Thinner areas will cook more quickly and become drier than desired.

Why are the brushes of a dc machine always placed at the neutral points?

The function of brush is to collect current from rotating commutator and supplies the current to external stationary load. The brushes of a DC machine are placed at neutral points because the current in the rotating part drops to zero at the neutral point. If brushes are placed in location other than the neutral points, then the current may be switched off and it causes magnetic field and it may also create voltage spikes and arc at brushes.

What word means to cook quickly with heat?

Broil means to expose to high heat (when cooking).

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a solar cooking oven